Chapter 2

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Dipper drove past the sign, welcoming them to Gravity Falls. Mabel was passed out in the passenger seat leaning against the door. When he pulled up to the Mystery Shack, with Mabel still asleep. He reached over to wake her but saw she wasn't wearing her seat belt. A mischievous grin spread across Dipper's face. He got out and went to the other side of the car. Just as he got their Soos, Melody and Wendy ran out to greet them, only to be shushed by Dipper. He smiled at them and then pointed to the car door Mabel was slumped against. Dipper opened the door, causing Mabel to fall flat on her face. She woke up with a cry. "Whats going on?"

Dipper said, "I told you to put on your seat belt."

"I did. Your junk car must have made it come unlatched." Mabel said angrily, while standing up and dusting herself off.

Wendy and Soos ran up to the young twins and wrapped them in a big hug. After they finally released Dipper and Mabel after them begging and pleading and making fake gagging noises, Mabel and Dipper looked around for their Grunkles.

Dipper was the first to speak, "Hey Soos? Where's the Stan's? I thought they were supposed to be here a week before we were?"

"Ya." Mabel continued. "We lost communications with them a month ago. Have you heard from them?"

Wendy and Soos looked at the twins with sadness and worry evident in their eyes. Soos being the first one to speak up, "We lost communications a month ago too, except for just yesterday when something came through. We recorded it but it doesn't even sound like words."

"Well show it to us." The twins said in unison.

Wendy brought them down to the secret lab where Ford had set up communications for them before he and Stan left for their boat trip to check out the new anomalies.

Dipper was the first one to run toward it. Soos played the message.

"Su pleh denruter sah eh" that was all they heard.

"It sounded exactly like Ford's voice." Dipper pointed out. "I think it's a secret message. Not scrambled nonsense."

"If anyone can find out the hidden message it's you dude!" Soos exclaimed.

"Ya. You haven't lost those brains you've always had." Wendy said.

"Ya Bro-bro. You got this. This will be one mystery you won't annoy me with when you stay up at night obsessing over it. Since it involves finding our grunkles." Mabel said remembering their first summer here.

"I do not obsess!" Dipper said defensively.

"Yes. You. Do." Mabel said. "For example. Finding out the author of the journals. Or every time you read a mystery book. "

"All right. So I get obsessed with mystery. That's better than being obsessed with boys!"

"That's debatable." Mabel said, crossing her arms.

"Listen guys." Wendy finally spoke up. "You better unpack. Melody is making supper. You can obsess over the hidden message after supper and a supper conversation about what has changed with you guys."

"Ok." The twins said at the same time.

They all went upstairs to eat. Melody had made chicken alfredo tortellini (if you have never had it you should try it. It's the best). They talked about what has changed. Mabel has started making clothes and selling them. Dipper had started working out to become stronger. He had also started learning how to defend himself and how to fight. Melody had moved in with Soos. Soos's grandma had died last summer. Soos and Melody were also planning on getting married at the end of summer. Wendy had started a lumber company and started a summer camp in Gravity Falls to give kids a chance to explore the unknown.

After supper Wendy went home and the twins, Soos and Melody turned in for the night. Dipper started working on figuring out the secret message while Mabel wore to bed some noise canceling headphones Ford had made at the end of the twins first summer in Gravity Falls after she had told Ford about Dipper's summer reading.

Dipper continued working on the code. An unsettling feeling growing in his chest. He knew something big was coming. He could feel it in his gut. He pushed the feeling aside for now and decided to try and get some sleep.

Poor Dipper didn't know how right he was. 

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