Chapter 7

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    Dipper was the first to wake up. He had started a fire and decided to start making breakfast for himself and the girls when they got up. He started by picking up sticks and making a fire using some matches he had brought on the journey. He then grabbed a pan from their supplies and started cooking some of his uncle's old brown meat in a can, which they still had from Weirdmageddon. The entire time Dipper tried to just focus on the food he was cooking and not the sinking, unsettling feeling he was getting from the giant black pyramid looming over him. It was a cloudy morning but just sunny enough to where Dipper could observe the pyramid better. It looked to be made of some unknown, almost marble, material. Dipper's mind flashed to memories of the fearamid, memories of Bill. 'Whas that what the Grunkle's were trying to warn them about? Had Bill returned? How? Why now? What were they going to do? How are they going to stop him this time?' 
    Dipper was finally pulled out of his worrisome thoughts by Mabel, who had woken up to the smell of food and had seen the absolute look of worry on her brother's face. "Don't worry bro-bro. Everythings going to be alright." 
    "I don't know about that Mabel."
    "You're sisters right," Wendy said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, having woken up from the twins talking. 
    Dipper gave them both a plate and then pointed at the pyramid the girls had their back to. "I think Bill has returned." 

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