Chapter 3 (Bon voyage)

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Dipper had been working on cracking the code for three days. He had barely slept and was exhausted. The awful feeling in his gut kept growing. In his frustration he hit the keyboard and the message started playing backwards. Dipper called out, "Mabel, Wendy, Soos, get down here. I solved it!" The three came running down the stairs to the secret lad. "Listen," Dipper said as he made the message play backwards.

"Kids or whoever hears this help. He took over Stanley. He's back B~~~"

"What was he going to say? Mabel asked.

"I don't know Mabel." Dipper said with sad eyes. "The message just cuts out. Whatever it says, our Grunkles are in danger. I was able to pull their last known GPS coordinates. We have to help them!"

"Agreed but where do we start Dipper?" Mabel asked.

Wendy spoke up, "How about we start by getting you guys some supplies."

"Ya you can use my boat dogs. Just bought a brand new one." Soos offered.

"Thanks!" the twins said in unison.

Wendy helped them get all the supplies ready for their departure. They loaded their supplies in the S.S. COOL DUDE 2, which was a small new yacht, Soos had been saving up for. Soos had taught Dipper how to drive it.

The day of departure had come. Wendy was running late to say goodbye but Soos was right on time. "I'm sorry I can't come with you dudes. It's just with Melody being pregnant and the baby's due date soon."

Soos was cut off by Dipper, "It's fine dude. We understand. By the way, where's Wendy?"

"She'll be here in a few minutes dudes." Soos said.

Just then Wendy came running to the boat with a few bags of stuff. She hopped on to the boat and set her bags down saying, "I'm coming with you guys."

Dipper and Mabel looked at each other and then Dipper asked, "Won't your family notice you're gone?"

"Na. It will take my dad a while to realize it. I also cleared it with my boss." Wendy said smiling at Soos who smiled back."Plus you're going to need all the help you can get." Dipper and Mabel smiled. Everyone said their final goodbyes and then Dipper,Mabel, and Wendy were off. 

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