Chapter 6

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Mabel woke up to two people standing over her. Her eyes, still a little blurry from sleep. "What's going on?" she asked the clearing silhouettes of who she recognized to be Dipper and Wendy. They seemed to be staring at something. She looked up. The mountain, obscured by the dark, what they were staring at, but it wasn't a mountain at all. The assumed mountain was a giant black pyramid.

They sat in silence around the fire Wendy had restarted. She was cooking eggs she had found in a nest on the island. Mabel stared blankly at the eggs cooking, lost in thought and in the sizzling and popping of the little bit of cooking oil Wendy had added. Her eyes shifted to Dipper, who seemed to be staring at the eggs, lost deep in thought. She cleared her throat,ending the silence. "So? Still think Bill has nothing to do with this?"

Dipper looked up at her, Wendy continued cooking. He looked back down. "There has to be a way in. Once we're in we'll know more. We'll grab our Grunkles, end this madness and go home."

They were silent while they ate. No birds sang. It's as if they dared not to. A breeze blew, but the leaves did not russell. It's like they were scared stiff by the evils that lie in the giant black pyramid. Mabel noticed this and agreed. She was terrified of what was going to happen when they got in. What lies ahead for them. Unknown to her, Dipper was feeling the same way, yet a little more terrified than her. One question on his mind, 'How is he going to keep his sister safe?' Then another scary question popped into his mind, 'What if they were too late to save their Grunkles?'

Wendy could feel the silent worry and tension. She was terrified herself. She had one priority she set in her head, a priority that was keeping her fear under control, a priority that is more of a promise, that she was going to make sure that everyone got home safely, NO MATTER WHAT. 

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