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Is anyone able to access the Spotify playlist for this book? Asking for a friend. (Me)

(Also, the playlist can give you hints for where this story/character arcs are headed, if you don't mind possibly piecing it all together and not getting confirmation until the future chapters lol)

Killer (the song in the playlist) is a song i used to show Floyd's perspective/feelings on some future events :3


Squeezed tight inside a van full of living, breathing people rubbing shoulder to shoulder to each other was not an ideal situation for anybody involved. Still though, you couldn't help the thankful feeling you had for not having to endure any of April's driving.

Jamie was still wavering in and out of consciousness, not fully recovered from April's apparent lack of knowledge, or concern, for how far a vehicle can be pushed before something truly horrific happens.

He was being stood upright by the three people squished around him being Raph, Roy and a begrudging David. Raph and Roy where fairly nice about it, but David (being the shortest there) didn't appreciate getting blanketed by this guy every two minutes, and made that clear when shoving Jamie away by his face in another direction every time they came in contact.

Other than that it was very quiet and very tense. You were standing squished next to Leo's muscular arm on your left and Frankie who didn't want to start too far from you, squished up against you on your right. His large navy blue puffer jacket making a faint 'zwich' with every bump and turn of the tunnels.

It was uncomfortably hot so you largely worried that Frankie might overheat and start fainting like Jamie was.

His face was burning and covered in a thin film of glossy sweat, momentarily considering that telling him to bring his warmest jacket wasn't the best idea.

You pressed your elbow into his side just enough to get his attention.

His eyes glanced over at you stiffly. "Dude, you don't look so good." You muttered, feeling as if you spoke at a normal volume it would be insulting for some reason.

Frankie looked like he was about to speak, but his eyes drifted above your head to where Leo was and he quickly shut his slightly agap mouth.

Your brows furrowed as you turned to look at Leo, who didn't seem to even be paying any attention to either of you as his stern eyes stared off into space. He was frowning to himself, deep in thought.

You looked back to to Frankie who was now also, staring straight ahead with an even more unstable expression.

"Frankie..?" You peered around then lowered your voice, trying to get a better view of his worried eyes. "For real, are you okay?"

He gave a gentle nod, a large strand of chestnut hair fell down between his eyes. "Yeah, I uh, I'm good. I'm just..." He trailed off as his eyes darted everywhere around him where there was a mutant standing. "I'm nervous." He confessed, voice barely even a whisper.

You offered a smile. "I know this is freaky, but if it helps any, you are handling this all much better than I did at first."

This didn't do too much for him as his focus was unable to stay on you.

So, as gently as you could, you hooked your arm around his to ground his mind and provide some type of comfort. Finally his focus stopped fluttering away from you as it landed to your arm around his then slowly up to your face.

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