Chapter 2

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  Frank Iero walked into the office of Jackson Robert's.  Jackson was the head of the Venom organization.  He also had a thing for Frank.  Frank knew about this but he wasn't interested in him.

  Jackson was technically his boss.  Frank didn't want to be one of those people who dated their bosses. 

  Even though Frank told Jackson multiple times that he didn't feel the same way, that didn't stop Jackson from hitting on him. 

  He hated going into Jackson's office alone.  He wished that his best friend Ray Toro was there with him.  Frank felt like that Jackson was scared of Ray. 

  Probably because Frank told Ray about his situation.  So sometimes Ray would be in there and just give Jackson very threatening stares. 

  Frank was grateful for that but it looked like he was on his own this time.  When he walked through the door, Jackson dropped everything he was doing at the moment and smiled at Frank. 

  "There you are!  How'd the mission go?"  Jackson wondered. 

  "I actually came to tell you that we didn't manage to assassinate Mr. Reid.  Deepest apologies."  Frank answered.

  "Oh, that's okay.  It wasn't that important of a mission anyway.  Nobody's perfect, I mean, you are but I'm sure you tried your best." 

  "It wasn't just me you know.  Other people helped out too." 

  "But all I care about is you!  You're the Venom Organization's greatest spy!" 

  Jackson got up from his desk and walked up to Frank.  He stood extremely close to him and stroked the shorter boy's hair.  Frank felt uncomfortable with him doing this. 

  He knew that Jackson wouldn't stop if Frank told him to.  He'd just call him cute.  Luckily, Frank had a better idea.  Maybe it could be one he could pull from now on.

  "Oh, hi Ray!  I'll be there in a second!"  Frank sang. 

  After he said that, Jackson stioped petting Frank's hair and froze where he was standing.  Frank was glad that worked.  He would have to remember that if he was in a similar situation in the future. 

  "Well, I should get going Jackson!  Nice talking to you!  I'll be sure to tell Ray that you said hi!"  Frank smirked while walking out the door.

  "Yeah, see you Frank."  Jackson trembled.


A/N:  A little note on Jackson.  He's kind of a random character I made up for a certain fic I wrote.  But now he kind of appears in a lot of Frerard things I write.  By the way, he's not a good person so I apologize if your name is Jackson.  I have nothing against you. 

  I don't know if I should even continue updating this even though it's only chapter two.  I just feel like nobody is going to read this.

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