"Enough waiting around. Let's go." Regina spoke up.

Hook now looked confused, "Go? Where? I thought we were saving the town."

"We already did." David replied as Dean added in the explanation, "We need to get Henry. Greg and Tamara took him through a portal."

"Well, I offer my ship and my services to help follow them." Hook commented.

"Well, that's great, Hook, but how will we track them?" Regina questioned.

"Leave that to me." Gold suddenly spoke up, "I can get us where we need to go." He noticed the pirate glaring at him as Dean smirked some at that.

Mary Margaret sighed, "Then let's do it."

Dean was the first one to step onto the ship as Hook followed him and then the others did as well.

Gold walked onto the ship as Hook stepped down the steps with Clary following behind him. "So... Are you done trying to kill me?"

"I believe so." Hook answered as Gold remarked, "Excellent. Then you can live."

Clary slightly chuckled some as Hook nudged her on her arm.

Gold magically made a clear globe appear on top of a crate as everyone gathered around.

Gold pricked his finger on it and dropped a speck of blood on the globe as the blood then shifted into a location, an island.

"Where is that? Where did they take Henry?"

Dean sighed and shared a knowing look with his adopted brother and both of them answered in unison, "Neverland."

Gold looked annoyed at that revelation and also sighed somewhat.

Emma handed the bean to her uncle who looked at Hook who nodded in confirmation.

Dean then tossed the bean in the water as it began to make a portal.

"So who are we up against? Who are Greg and Tamara?" David questioned over the wind while Hook steered the ship towards the portal.

"They're merely pawns, manipulated by forces far greater than they can conceive." Gold explained, "They have no idea who they're truly working for."

"And who's that?" Emma said as she held onto a rope like everyone else while Dean also had an arm around Regina.

"Someone we all should fear." Gold answered just as the ship fell into portal and the portal closed after they fell in with a whoosh.


Hook steered the Jolly Roger down the portal while everyone held onto something; Snow and David held onto each other, Gold, Clary, and Emma held onto ropes tightly, and Regina and Dean held onto each other while also holding onto the railing of the ship.

The ship came to a splash once it exited out of the portal, it slowly closing behind the ship.

Once they finally exited the portal, they landed rather roughly, making everyone almost fall to the ground.

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