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There were only two tributes left in the 66th Hunger Games.

Dirt and blood covered the olive skin of Phoenix Flack as she ran out of the woods of the arena. The boy from District 1 was right behind her. Looking over her shoulder, she threw one of her two remaining knives toward the boy. He dodged it swiftly, a smirk growing on his face as he inched closer to the girl from District 5. The sound of a bow being drawn back warns Phoenix of her impending fate, leaving her with no choice but to throw herself on the ground. Groaning as the arrow just grazes the side of her head.

"Now I'll have to do this the hard way." The boy grunts, throwing his bow to the side and jumping on top of Phoenix.

Phoenix felt herself being flipped over, watching helplessly as both his hands wrapped around her throat. Not even bothering to restrain her hands, the boy squeezed her throat, believing this was the end for Phoenix Flack. Her vision began to blur as she watched his lips move, but she couldn't register anything he was saying. At that moment, possibly her last, Phoenix remembered something.

She had one knife left on her belt.

Phoenix's hand inched toward the knife, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the handle. With her last bit of strength, Phoenix dug her knife deep into the side of his neck. Instantly the boy's hands disappeared from her throat, as Phoenix gasped and coughed for air. The career tribute looks at her with wide eyes before pulling the knife from his neck, splattering blood all over her. Placing her hands on his broad shoulders, Phoenix pushed the boy off her, watching him fall face-first onto the ground.

The two remaining tributes lay side-by-side.

Phoenix turns her head, wincing a bit at the pain before locking eyes with the dying boy next to her. She watched the blood spew from the wound on his neck as a single tear ran down his pale cheek. With that, the last cannon blared through the arena.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the victor of the 66th Hunger Games! Phoenix Flack of District 5."


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