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Sora approached me with a nervous expression. I watched his movements until he was about a foot away from me. I was gonna take a step back to make more space between us, but he took a hold of my wrist before I could.


I jumped at his sudden loud voice, so I looked at him straight in the eye in shock.

He noticed me staring and quickly took his hand back. "I want to show you something, do you have the time?" He scratched his cheek with his finger nervously.

I nodded at him. "I have time."

His eyes lit up in happiness. "Great! Follow me."


We arrived at Destiny Islands, it was only Sora and I that stood at its shores. He took the Gummi Ship and drove us here.

I wanted to ask why he brought us here but instead he lead us to the paopu tree branch that he, Riku, and Kairi hung around in the first game.

I managed to lift myself onto the branch and Sora took a seat next to me, with small distance between us.

It was silent between us before he started talking.

"I wanted to say sorry." Sora spoke. "I saw how upset you were earlier, when we were ganging up on your brother."

"It's fine." I told him. "It's only natural you guys are cautious, it was kinda selfish of me to think you'd accept him so easily. Like you did for me."

"Well, that's different." Sora chirped, turning to look at me with a grin. "You're special."

I rose a questioning brow at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Sora turned his head away to look forward again. "I'm not telling."

I pouted, shoving him a little. "Meanie." In which got a laugh out of him.

I decided to let myself relax, easing my body to slouch a bit. The sound of the beach waves somehow calmed me and with Sora sitting with me put me even more at ease. I've been wanting some time with him, but I didn't want to sound needy or selfish.

It felt nice—when it was just the two of us.

My eyes wondered over to the side and up to see the the famous paopu fruit. I felt my lips quirk into a small smile, it brought nostalgia to me. Though, I had to look a bit over Sora since he was on the right side of me. It was at that moment he turned his head and eyes catching mine.

"Watcha looking at?" He followed where my eyes were looking at and he let out a 'ah' before reaching over and taking two paopu fruits into his hand.

Sora took his spot next to me and tried handing me one of the star-shaped fruits. My eyes widened as I glanced back at him and the fruit a couple of times.


A faint blush was seen on his cheeks as he still held out the fruit to me. "I-I want to be a part of your life no matter what, that's all."

Instantly, a scene flashed into my mind and was gone the next.

Slowly, I took the fruit from him, feeling my own cheeks were getting warm. "But, what about—"

Sora shook his head, a gentle expression took over his nervous one. "I want to share one with you, remember how it went?"

I nodded, as he and I both positioned the fruits in front of us so I took a bite of his and he took one of mine.

We bit into the fruit at the same time. I chewed and surprisingly the fruit was sweet. Sora kept staring at me with that sweet smile still on his face and I couldn't help but smile back.

"There, now we'll always be a part of each other's lives no matter what."

I felt a warm, fuzzy feeling inside of me but overall I was really happy. Like really, really happy. It's not everyday you share a paopu fruit with the person you like.

"Yeah." I nodded.

Sora held his stare with me a little longer before his gaze moved down to my unoccupied hand. Without a word, he took my hand in his and held it in a gentle grip. It made my heart skip a beat but I didn't protest. He let out a cute laugh and looked back to looking at the sunset. I followed his lead and the two of us stared at the sunset in silence.

His hand would squeeze mine once in a while, and I would squeeze it back. Oddly enough, his hand fitted perfectly in mine. It wasn't too big; but just right.

While I should've been paying attention to my surroundings, all I could think of was the boy sitting next to me as he held my hand.

As if he was holding the world.

His world.

I decided to make a cute fluffy chapter despite all the drama going on, what y'all think? Good? Bad? I hope it was okay. Sorry for any errors or mistakes!

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