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It was probably a bad idea that you ran off with your emotions getting the best of you. You bumped into something and fell back onto your bottom. Looking up, it would seem you ran into a few neo-shadows and one big ass darkside.

Yeah, totally a bad idea.

You tried to dodge to the best of your ability as the heartless started attacking you but the darkside merely watched, as if contemplating on attacking on you like his underlings are.

It would seem it made its decision as he roared and lifted its giant hand, attempting to grab you. Your eyes locked onto that hand, while still trying to avoid the other shadows trying to get you. The darkside tried and tried and you can tell it was getting frustrated, so it slammed its hand down creating an aftershock that knocked you off your feet.

Grunting in pain, it was a second too late that you realized the giant hand grabbing you. You struggled in its grip, trying to break free but it was futile. Screaming in frustration and fear, you hoped a miracle would happen and miraculously it did.

"Get your filthy hands off of her you low-lifes." A voice you knew all to well that sounded threateningly enough to send chills down your spine.

"Vanitas!" You screamed at him, for once glad he was here. You felt a little guilty for getting mad at him a while ago but you couldn't help it, what he said did hurt.

"Heh," Vanitas smirked. "Don't worry dollface, I'll come get you in a bit. But first..." He summoned his keyblade, glaring at the shadow heartless. "Time to take out the trash." And so the battle began.

(I really don't know how to do fight scenes but in the end Vanitas did win)

Vanitas carried you bridal style back to the shore you two met since you were a bit shaken from being held by a giant hand. The male didn't say much as he carried you and you didn't say anything either, at least, cause you didn't know what to say.

"Thanks and...sorry." You muttered, cheeks feeling warm. Vanitas chuckled, and since your head was on his chest you felt the vibration of him laughing, and continued to walk with you in his arms.

"Don't worry about it dollface." He replied. "I knew what I said was out of hand so I guess I also owe you an apology. So...sorry."

You were shocked. Did Vanitas just...apologize?

"Did you just apologize?" You couldn't help but say.

"Tch, yeah. So what?" He rose a brow at you, his amber yellow eyes looking down at you. "Did you think I was some heartless bastard the whole time? Gimme a break, (Y/N)."

"Gimme a break, Kairi."

You blinked, you swore you heard Sora's voice for a second. But instead of your name you heard Kairi's.

Suddenly feeling down, you slumped against Vanitas and stayed quiet the whole walk. You didn't even know how far you went from the shore. Apparently it was a pretty decent distance if he was still walking with you in his arms.

"Hm? Why are you quiet now? Cat got your tongue?" Vanitas spoke, noticing your sudden quietness. "I was just joking by the way so don't let it get to you too much."


Vanitas frowned but continued walking. He knew you were cold to him in the beginning and he was being a smartass to you but he can sense something was off with this particular silence. Something told him you were sad, he just didn't know what.

Finally, after what seemed like how many minutes long, he finally made it back to the shore. He set you down on the rock and took his place next to you but keeping some distance this time. You appreciated the gesture and gave him a small smile of appreciation to which he nodded silently at.

Silence took over once more until he broke it once again.

"Mind telling me whats on your mind?" From the corner of your eye you saw him shift and he was facing towards you.

Biting you lip, you glanced at him before slowly shifting to face him too. He waiting patiently, shocking you once more at how considerate hes acting, for you to talk than saying something snarky. Maybe he learnt his lesson? Who knows.

"I..." You opened your mouth to talk but couldn't find the words to say. Vanitas nodded, gesturing you to continue so you did. "If you had the chance to change your fate, would you?"

Vanitas blinked at you, surprise evident on his face. He was not expecting something like this to come up. "What?"

"I thought I had that choice, but apparently I never did." You continued, ignoring his surprise. "Just when I thought I had a place to blend in, I only get shunned in return."

You dryly laughed. "Am I a mistake or something? I think I am."


Snapping your head, your eyes widened. "What?"

"You're not a mistake. If anyone is a mistake then its me." He heavily sighed, looking down at his lap. "Maybe if it were under different circumstances then maybe, just maybe, I would've stood a chance against him."

'Him?' You thought. 'Does he mean Ventus?'

"I don't think you're a mistake." Surprising him at how firm you sounded. "If anything, you deserve so much more. More than me."

"Hey, stop that." Vanitas scolded you. "Stop thinking so negative of yourself all the time."

'Hah, the irony.'

"I'll stop if you stop being an ass all the time." You told him.

"Tch." Was all he said.

"Oh, is that a blush I see?"

"Sh-Shut up! It is not."

"Hm, I'm pretty sure I know what a blush looks like."

"Seriously (Y/N)?"

You only giggled in response. Not noticing the small fond smile Vanitas sent your way.

At least you looked more happy.


oof, i had typed this chapter already near the end but i didn't know how to end it so here it is.

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