Chapter 29- The Family Trip

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Dhvani hated flying. Blocked ears, bumpy take-offs, scary landings, unhygienic conditions on some flights, on top of the fact that you were locked up in a metal tube thousands of feet above the ground seemed like perfectly valid reasons for her to hate flights. And this trip was even worse for her because she was travelling after quite a while and it made her so queasy that she had to throw up. Dhruv, on the other hand, was so excited about his first flight trip. He was practically bouncing with excitement the entire journey in his seat. He loved the special treatment he got by being a first-class passenger, the colouring books, chocolates and cold drinks he sneaked when Dhvani was napping. Apart from countless questions, he also demanded that she write down points that he dictated so he could tell his father later and not miss anything.

"It's fine. I got it from here. Thank you so much!" Dhvani said to the airport official who had just helped her haul the baggage off the carousel and on to the trolley.

"No, Ma'am. I have been asked by my supervisor to ensure you are dropped safely to the car." The man replied with a friendly smile and began pushing the trolley through the Kullu Airport.

"Shaurya," Dhvani murmured under her breath and began following the attendant. Her one hand held Dhruv's hand while the other was trying to balance her purse and call Shaurya at the same time. She hung up when he didn't answer the call but kept the phone in her hand in case he called back.

Dhruv kept his head down and pouted up a storm as he walked beside his mother. She sighed when she saw Dhruv narrowing his eyes at her. It was all because she didn't let him investigate how the baggage carousel worked by riding on it. She was happy and proud that her child was active, inquisitive and emotionally advanced compared to children his age; however, it was getting draining for her at times, especially with Dhruv growing up. People had been saying this forever, but now that she was a parent herself, she really believed it- Parenting is not for the weak-hearted.

"It's really fine. You don't have to do this." Dhvani said to the agent again.

"The exit is not very far." The man said as he continued to walk ahead of the mother-son duo. "Who is coming to pick you up, Madam? Your husband?"

Dhavni felt awkward at the sudden question thrown to her. "Actually-"

"My Papa is going to send a car to pick us up. He is waiting at the hotel for us." Dhruv answered for Dhvani.

"Which hotel are you staying at?"

Dhvani tugged the lapels of her jacket closer together because they had reached outside, and the cold air hit her. Living in Mumbai for this long really seemed to have reduced her ability to bear the chilly weather. "We are going to Kasol." She replied with a small smile.

"You can just leave the bags here. I'll load it in when the car arrives." Dhvani insisted when Shaurya didn't pick up the phone again.

The man shook his head politely. "I'll help you, Madam. It's no problem."

Dhvani sighed and redialed Shaurya's number. Cradling her phone between her shoulder and ear while she crouched down to zip up Dhruv's jacket. "Hello, Shaurya." She said when he finally answered her call.

Dhruv's face instantly brightened up when he heard his father's name. She smiled and squeezed his face before standing up.

"Yes, we are outside the airport. Where is the car you were supposed to send?"

"Yeah! I see it." She said and tugged at Dhruv's hand and began heading to a very unsuspicious looking car. Something an upper-middle-class family would be able to afford. It was parked a little further away from the business near the arrival gate.

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