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I packed all of my stuff, waiting for Vic to come pick me up

Our son in his carseat,passed out, he was so cute and so little, he only weighed six pounds, dark brown almost black hair and green eyes, I was absolutely in love with him

"Hey baby!" Vic said loudly as he walked in the room

"Shhhh Leo is asleep" I said smiling

"Sorry.." he said walking over to me giving me a little Peck on the cheek

"You ready to go?" I said quietly

"We made a beautiful kid" he said looking at Leo fast asleep

"We sure did..." I said smiling

We drove home in complete silence, not wanting to wake the baby, but every once and a while I would glance at Vic and he would smile at me, everything felt right for once in my life

I opened the door to the apartment and to lying surprise all my friends were waiting inside, they all yelled surprise which woke up the baby, and he started crying, I'm pretty sure they scared him to death

"Hey momma!" My bestfriend said as set the carseat down on the couch

"Hey! I am so Happy you could make it!" I said hugging her

"Awe look at this cute little boy" she said looking down at Leo

"He is pretty cute, isn't he?" I said smiling

"Yeah he is adorable" she said

I picked up Leo, cradling him in my arms as I walked around talking to everyone, letting everyone see the baby, and hold the baby, it was pretty exhausting

"Babe, do you want me to take the baby for a little while?" Vic said coming up to me

"If you want to,He's pretty tired and I need to make him a bottle" I said

"Hand him over, I'll make his bottle and put him to sleep" he said smiling

"Fine" I said smiling as I handed Leo over to him

He walked away with our baby, he was going to be a great dad I just know it

"Ree!!!" I heard mike yell

"Mikey!" I said hugging him

"Where is my nephew?!?!" He said hugging me tightly

"Vic just went to put him down to sleep" I said smiling

"You guys made a really cute baby, and I will steal him sometimes" he said

"Good luck with getting him away from us, we are attached" I said

"Oh I will get away him, don't worry, but first I'd like you to meet someone" he said pulling me towards the living room

"Ree this is...." Mike tried to say but I cut him off

"Austin carlile" I said shocked

"Yes that would be his name" Mike said laughing

"Hi ree, I've heard a lot about you from the guys" he said shaking my hand

I was in absolute shock, I didn't know what to do with myself, Austin was standing in front of me,he was my ex....and I never told Vic because I was scared, and I was going to get emotional soon, I need to hold it back

"I'm sure the guys have told you plenty of stories" I said laughing

I didn't know how Vic was going to feel about Austin being here

"Do you guys know eachother?" Mike said, I'm sure he could see the nervous looks me and Austin were giving eachother

"No" I said

"Yes" he said

I looked at him with the face of "stop talking"

"Hey so I see you guys have met" Vic said walking up to us

"Did the baby go to sleep?" I said

"Yes, he went to sleep easily, he was exhausted" he said

"Well I'm going to go get a drink, and talk to some of my friends" I said

I walked away and went into the kitchen, I need some alcohol to get me through this

"So I'm guessing Vic doesn't know that we used to date?" Austin said

"Obviously not.." I said pouring myself a shot

"Are you going to tell him?" He said as I took the shot

"Are you crazy!?!, he will kill both of us! He is one of your closest friends" I said

"If you don't tell him,then I will" he said walking away

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