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'Oliver what are you doing here?' I said

'I came to see you obviously' he said walking in my dorm

'oh come in, welcome to my place' I said sarcastically

he laughed and walked over and sat on the couch

'Oli seriously what are you doing here?' I said sitting next to him

'I can't come and see you?' he said

'you don't know anything about me so there is no reason for you wanting to see me' i said laughing

'well I came over here to ask you if you wanted to be friends' he said

'seriously that's all you want? of course we can be friends!' I said laughing

'well I'm glad you said that but there is also a catch , I have a really bad reputation around this school cause I used to be a party boy and a player, and no one believes me when I say i've changed, so if you are my friend, and people see us hanging out, everyone is gonna warn you to be careful and yeah, but I really like you and you caught my eye and I want to be your friend' he said

I sat back in shock, I couldn't believe that this boy that I barely met was so invested in getting to know me, I honestly didn't  know what to say

'um okay, well we can be friends, I can handle all the people, well I think I can' I said smiling

'good, well look there is this party tomorrow night , do you wanna go with me?' he said smiling

'um I don't know, i'm not really a party person' I said

'oh come on , I promise it will be fun!' he said getting excited

'fine i'll go! I said laughing

'alright ill pick you up at 7, be ready!' he said getting up and running out the door

'well bye then!' I said closing the door

why was this boy so in to me, there has to be a catch

I turned off the tv, and walked into my room and crawled into bed , dreading tomorrow , I hate parties, I don't even know why I said yes, oh well I guess we will see how this goes

I reached over turning off my light and drifted off into a deep sleep

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