I woke up rolling over, vic was gone, which made me sad, their was a note on the nightstand, I grabbed it

"Had to go run some errands with the band, I'll be back later! Xoxo-Vic"

Ughhhh I missed him already, he was the best boyfriend I've ever had, and every minute with him a cherished, and every minute without him I hated

I picked up my phone, scrolling through all social media, nothing interesting like always, I got up leaving my phone on the nightstand, I grabbed some jeans and a tank top and walked into the bathroom turning the shower on

I was getting undressed, when I slightly heard a door open, but I am pretty sure it was just my imagination

I got in the shower, letting the hot water hit my skin, instantly relaxing me

I heard a noise again

'Vic??...' I said pulling back the curtain peeking my head out

I must really be going insane

I started washing my hair and my body when I heard the bathroom door open, I froze where I was standing

'Vic baby, I am back from miami, I've missed you so much!' A girl's voice said

'Um who are you?' I said pulling back the curtain

She screamed when she realized I wasn't vic, and because she was half naked, probably about to jump in the shower with me

'Who am I???....who are you???' She said in a very bitchy tone

'Uh I am pretty sure I asked you first' I said

'I'm Erma....vic's wife..' she said very happy

'Uh I am his girlfriend reeanna..' I said shocked at what I just heard

'Girlfriend?!' She said screaming

'Hey don't get mad at me!, I didn't even know you existed!' I said pulling the towel around me getting out of the shower

I was in complete and utter shock, his wife?!, what in the fuck?!

'Don't worry I am leaving, so you can wait for your wonderful husband!' I said grabbing my clothes and walking out of the room

'How long have you guys been dating?' I heard her say from the bathroom

'A week..' I replied

I wasn't in the mood to talk to her, I walked into the closet, pulling my clothes on, she was sitting on the bed when I came out, I was holding all my emotions in, I would freak out later

I grabbed my purse, walking out the front door, I didn't have my car, and my place was pretty far, but I really didn't care, my anger was fueling me to walk

I walked for about ten minutes when vic started to call, I couldn't answer him, if I did I was gonna freak the fuck out, I decided to call mike, praying that they weren't together anymore

The phone rang and rang, and finally he answered

'Hey mike...it's ree' I said

'Hey what's up?' He said confused

'Um do you think you could come get me?' I said

'Uh where are you??' He said

'About ten minutes away from vic's, I almost by the target' I said

'Alright, walk to target, I'll meet you there!' He said

I got to target and I sat on a bench waiting for mike, I was so pissed off, but I was also very sad, But i couldn't cry, well not in front of mike

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