Chapter 25

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I run through the corridors and down the stairs to the hall. I slammed the door open. There a found Thomas with a broom sweeping up glass from one of the grand windows. He turned to me. He looked shocked.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. It was an accident.” he muttered.

“It’s ok. But why are you here?” I said.

“Midnight left her phone in my car and I wanted to return it.” he said.

“Don’t you know?” I replied.

“Know what?” he asked.

“Midnight’s missing.” I answered.

“What, she missing but I saw her today.” he said.

“She went missing today. Thanks for bringing her phone. I’ll give it to her when we find her. You should now before the others come ask for money to repair the window.” I said. 

“No, I want to help. I feel bad leaving you to find her yourselves.” he insisted.

“Ok I’ll get you a room if you’re staying.” I said.

“Thanks.” he replied.

I took him to the dormitory room next to mine.

“Meet us in the hall at 10 tomorrow morning.” I said.

“Ok. Tomorrow at 10,” he said before he opened the door into the dormitory and left me standing in the hall way on my own.

The next morning we all meet in the hall. In there was Amy, Dan, Lucy, Britney, Chantelle , Bella, Thomas and I. Plus the last of the year 7s : Jackson, which is the year 7 who gave the speech, ; Darren who is his best friend and Phoebe whose parents left town because had to take care of some business at ‘work’. They didn’t really join in the conversation; they stayed at the side lines out of the way.

“Right, what are we going to do?” Dan said.

“About what?” Chantelle said. Chantelle, there’s only one word to describe her, BITCH. And to think she used to be so nice, I guess high school does change you.

“Midnight.” I said.

“What about Midnight?” Amy said. I would use that same word to describe Amy.

“She’s missing or don’t you remember.” Thomas butted in.

“Of course, I remember. I just don’t care,” Amy replied.

“Ok then let’s move on to a topic that you might care about.” Bella said.

“Like what?” Amy asked.

“Gary.” Bella answered.

“I don’t care about that bloodsucker.” Amy snarled.

“Then why did you come with us to rescue him?” I said.

“Because I didn’t want to stay behind and babysit.” Amy shouted.

“Wait a minute, bloodsucker, rescue, what you are talking about?” Thomas shouted. Everyone went silent. Crap. I forgot that he didn’t know. His face went from confused to shocked and finally angry.

“I helped you to break in the Headquarters and break out a vampire.” Thomas shouted.

“We didn’t exactly break him out.” Bella said.

“Really? Then where is it?” he said.

“We don’t know, kind of like how we don’t know where Midnight is?” Dan said.

“You don’t think Adam?” he said his voice drifted off towards the end.

“He wouldn’t, he couldn’t.” Bella said.

“Bella I hate to tell you this but you know what his kind is capable of.” Chantelle snarled.

“She’s right. We need to find Midnight and fast.” Amy agreed.

“I’m just not convinced he would do something like that.” I said.

“Sarah, face the facts. He’s a monster who drinks human blood. You can’t trust him.” Amy said.

“How do you know he’s not different.” I said. I need to defend him. I am the only one who will.

“Sarah, just give up. He’s not different and you know it.” Bella said.

“Thank you, Bella. I think you’re finally seeing it my way.” Chantelle said.

“So how are we finding Midnight?” Dan said obviously trying to change the subject.

“Well by my guess. I think she’ll be at the Vampires base and there just happens to be someone who knows where it is, standing in this very room.” Amy said. Then she glares at me with an open grin on her face. She meant me.

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