Chapter 9

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I didn't see Midnight for the rest of the night. I heard a door slam in the middle of the night but that was it. She wasn't there that morning either. We found her outside walking around the grounds with Adam. She saw us said goodbye to Adam and walked towards us.

"Where have you been?" Chantelle asked.

"Just talking," Midnight answered "Anything interesting I missed."

"Amy's melt down at the dance," Bella said "it was hilarious."

"Did any one record it?" Midnight said.

"Several." Chantelle said smiling only a bit.

"Good." Midnight replied smirking and we walked towards our classrooms. I got changed for P.E. and headed towards the gym. The gym was still coated in the decorations from the dance. I thought the teachers were supposed to take the decorations down after the dance. I guess they were too drunk to. Now that I think about it where is the teacher? Everyone was confused; they were looking round for the teacher but were nowhere to be found. Maybe they too much to drink and they're hung-over. We waited there for an hour and 15 minutes, a whole lesson, and then we just moved to our next lesson after the bell rang. I went up the stairs to Biology and waited outside. Bella and Midnight came a few minutes after me.

"Was your teacher in your lesson?" Bella asked.

"No." I answered.

"Neither was ours." Midnight added "It's strange because I saw her last night at the dance."

"I saw them too." I said.

"Very suspicious." Bella said her eyebrow rose as she was thinking.

We waited for thirty minutes.

"I am not sitting there any longer." Midnight shouted. She got up and started to walk down the corridor.

"Where do you think you're going?" Amy snarled.

"I am going to find someone instead of waiting for someone who obviously isn't coming but if you want to wait around doing fuck all. Be my guest." Midnight snarled back and kept walking. The rest of the class looked at each other and followed her including me. We walked past empty class rooms most of them were where the year 11s worked but they were on a trip for two weeks. When we came to a class with year 7s in there was no teacher. We went past with students but no teachers until we came to the end of the hall. Midnight stops and turns around to face the last classroom door. She opens it and goes it. Bunches of scared year 7s stare at her.

"Have any of you seen any teachers at all today." she said.

They all shook their heads.

"Right head down to the hall and get the other year 7s down the corridor," she replied.

They go out of the classroom and walked down the corridor. Some small groups broke off from the crowd and went into the classrooms retrieving large groups of students.

"What did you do that for?" Amy said

"Because I don't think the teachers are simply hung-over. I think it's something a lot worse." Midnight said seriously. There was silence everyone knew what she meant but no one wanted to say it.

"Ok, but who put you in charge." Amy said.

"You when you followed me from class." Midnight said smirking "anyway I want the lot of you to go and get the rest of the students travel in groups to go get them and then go to the hall. Amy I want you to go to the hall and take charge of getting them to sit down and shut up. Does everyone I agree with those plans."

"Yes." said rest of the class.

"I'll go to the arena basement to Make it wasn't them," Midnight said and started to run towards the arena. After she's gone we all scatter and then go do our jobs. I go with Bella and retrieved four classes of year 8 and headed towards the hall.

When we finally got to the hall everything was quiet and it seemed everyone was here except Midnight. I went up to the front with the rest of the year 10s. There was only around forty of us. We all gathered together.

"They're getting restless. We need to start and tell them what's happening." I said.

"I'll tell them." Amy said. No one disagreed. She stood behind a podium and spoke into the microphone "Now you are probably wondering why we have brought you here because if you haven't noticed there aren't any teachers here. Now I and my classmates have decided that we have to take care of this ourselves, so we are going to talk to you about what's going to happen until we can find the teachers-" Midnight walks in. Amy continues

"Now I'm going to pass the microphone onto Midnight for the details." Midnight looks surprised but went to the podium and said "Well to start classes will not continue, but the curfews will stay the same as it seems now more than ever that we need them. You will need to occasionally be asked to help with food and jobs around the school. Please travel around the school in groups and if you have any problems find one of the year 10s. They are the people standing up right now. Remember their faces you will need to."

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