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It was now my second day at U.A Highschool for aspiring heroes. After a surprising fitness exam by my homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta, I could only imagine what today's heroics class would be like. I have heard a few rumors that the class was being taught by All Might, but I didn't keep my hopes up. I took my usual route to school through the subway, making my way into the prestigious building relatively early. As I stepped into my designated classroom, I noticed that Iida, who I met yesterday, was already sitting patiently (and stiffly) at his desk. As he spotted me though, Iida pushed himself up and began approaching my way.

"Hello! We already met yesterday but you never told me your name. In case you forgot, I am Iida Tenya from Soumei. Pleased to meet you." He said introducing himself for the second time. I nodded, my expression aloof. "I remember. My name is [Lastname] [Name]." I remained disinterested through our conversation, and it seemed Iida had noticed for his brow had furrowed. "Pardon me for asking, but why are you at U.A?"

I held back a sigh and instead glared coldly at the tall male before me. "Why I'm here is my business. It's something that people like you need to be concerned about." Iida was taken aback, flinching back in surprise. He also narrowed his own square-shaped blue eyes and fixed his composure. "I see..." He said nothing more and simply tread back to his seat, doing little to hide his aggravation towards me. I felt the urge to huff but instead headed to my seat - which was thankfully on the other side of the room.

There was a tense silence between the two that never faltered until classmates had begun to trickle in. Homeroom passed by relatively quickly, and soon enough, my first heroics class would begin.

A booming and familiar voice resonated through the hallways outside our classroom. "I am coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might boisterously shouted whilst hanging off the doorframe. That's anything but normal... I thought to myself. The appearance of the number 1 hero brightened the attitude of my classmates, most of which leaned forward in their chairs to get a better view of the towering blond, bright smiles plastered onto their faces.

"It's All Might!"

"Wow, he really is a teacher!"

"That's a costume from the silver age isn't it?"

All Might took slow marches into the room, exaggerating his steps and arm movements. "I teach Hero Basic Training." He stated proudly with both hands on his hips. "It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject! Let's get right into it! This is what we'll do today--" He turned his body towards the blackboard and flexed before sharply turning back around with a flashcard in hand. In bold lettering read 'BATTLE' on the flashcard.

"Combat training! And to go with that are these!" All Might pointed to the wall opposite the entrance, which had begun to separate and slide out in columns. They were filled with silver cases with each student's number. "Costumes made based on your quirk registration and requests you sent in before school started. After you change, gather in Ground Beta!"

"Yes sir!"

"They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. Be fully aware, from now on, you are heroes!"

My hero costume consisted of a black shirt with long sleeves and black shorts, thigh-high black stockings, and black combat boots. The bodysuit exposed nearly all of my back so that I would have quick use of my kagune - not that I planned to use it for a while. I also had my hair [tied/pinned] so that it would stay out of my face. Walking onto the instructed training grounds, I examined my peers and their hero costumes, identifying some by smell.

Trust (BNHA x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora