Leaving/ Kidnapped

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The next morning , Sonic is speaking privately with Manic outside of the barn.

Sonic- Hank will handle everything , everything will be fine.

Manic- ( Trying to process what he said ) Whoa whoa whoa whoa , wait ! Wh-what are you talking about ?

Sonic- ( Sternly ) Can you not say a word ? I don't want to make a big thing about this.


Everyone hears what the rowdy hedgehog said and gathered up , shocked , and sad as they talk amongst themselves , asking or wondering if they did something wrong. Sonic just rolls his eyes as he makes his ways to the barn doors. But Manic stops him.

Manic- Son , seriously. Y--you and we w-we like best friends. ( Crushed ) We're ... We're brothers.

Sonic- ( Glares ) No , Manic It's over ! ( Faces the animals ) I'm leaving , alright ? No big whoop ! Continue your day !

Mushu- Come on , Sonic. W-we'll do what you say.

Sonic- That's the point , okay , I don't want you to doo what I say. I don't want any of you to listen to me.

Tails- Don't listen to him!

Everyone covers their ears.

Sonic- Stop doing what I say !

Everyone uncovers their ears.

Big Mac- ( Confused ) Okay , what you saying is , you'll say what we don't do what you say ?

Sonic- ( Points at his nose ) Dead bee.

Big Mac- ( Notices ) Oh.

Big Mac blows his nose and the bee quickly flies away.

Big Mac- Again , alive !

Sonic- Hank , you're in charge. Get the dogs together. You guys can handle everything than I ever could.

Hank- Sure , Sonic. If you say.

Sonic- I got my own life to lead , alright ? O don't belong here anymore !

With that said , Sonic enters in the barnyard as Manic tries not to cry as his only brother's gonna leave.

As Sonic makes it to his pen , he takes out a red and white backpack and starts to pack his stuff until he hears a familiar voice.

???- Hey.

Sonic looks behind him and sees Amy.

Sonic- Hey.

Amy- ( Concerned ) What happened , Sonic ? And please don't say "Nothing".

Sonic- ( Heaves a deep sigh ) Look , it's complicated.

Amy- If you're hurting , let me help. I like to help.

Sonic- ( Turns around ) You wanna know what happened ? I froze , okay ? Last night... I didn't run the criminals off . I couldn't do anything. Th--they're gonna come back tonight and I can't protect anyone. Everyone here , they all trust me. And I can't protect every single one of them !

Sonic , out of stress , he slams his fist on a beam , making Amy flinch. But , that didn't stop her from placing her hand on his tense shoulder , making it relax a little.

Amy- Sonic , the best leader isn't the biggest or the strongest... The best leader is the one who cares the most.

Sonic lets go of the beam before he looks at Amy with a grateful glance.

Sonic- That's a nice thought , Amy. That's... A really nice thought.

Sonic bends down and picks up his bag before closing it.

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