Mushu & Tails Watch The Girls

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As the sun is setting , most of the girls decided to head to bed early and headed towards the bunkhouse.

The only males inside with them are Mushu and the nervous Tails.

Tails- Yeah , hi. Hey , there. Having a good day ? Yeah.

There was an awkward pause until Tails speaks up again.

Tails- So , this was Sonic's idea.

Mushu- ( Chuckles ) Yeah. We're like the second line of defense. We see or hear anything suspicious , I just signal Sonic with my mighty fire breath.( Excitedly ) And I've been working on it , look !

Mushu take a deep breath , and only lets out a small flame before it's quickly put out by itself. Mushu smiles sheepishly at the weak demonstration.

Mushu- Well , you know in the moment , it'll be real strong. But for now , we just stand watch.

Tails- ( Chuckles uneasily ) Yeah , watch.

Tails stares at the lady animals .It didn't take long for his overactive imagination to take over him as he hallucinates all the girls were fine and roasted main course meals and imagines a mini tails ringing a bell screaming to come and get it. Mushu notices and looks at him on concern.

Mushu- Tails , are you okay ?

Tails- BONELESS WHITE MEAT ! ( Snaps out of it ) What ? I'm not hungry ! I mean , I don't wanna eat anyone.. Thing... You... ( Slaps himself ) What happened ?! What ? What ? What ?

Everyone just stares in awkward silence , trying to register what just happened.

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