seven deadly sins?... seems like an interesting group... might as well get to know them if I can

" When will I be able to get back on my feet?"

"Hm? you have places to be?"


At least I don't think so... I have no clue what to do once I'm ready to leave. After a few minutes and left the room and I was all alone. they left me some medicine just in case if I feel pain

"Well, you won't be able to leave for quite some time or... Perhaps months. You see we're are in the middle of going to war and we might need a lot more help than just an army of soldiers... If it's too much to ask could you help us? You seem to be a really strong woman and smart too!"

It took me time to think and had an idea... Since I have no memory of my past I guess I shall serve the king and the mage as much as I can. However, it concerns me... I feel as though I'm supposed to do something instead of that but i can't exactly figure it out yet

"I' so as soon I get well rested and healed"

He lit up and jumped around as if he was a child who has a new toy which made me smiled and giggled a bit. After his little enthusiasm, Merlin pulled him by the ear and made him peep.

"No, then we must be going. Tomorrow morning we will be working on your strength since we're going to war in a matter of a few days"

I nodded and they went off and closed the door. I looked around and examine the room I want to walk around but I don't think they have more energy still... Plus I don't want to fall and have Arthur pick me up again and have to deal with my weight... I wish I was small!

Next morning

I woke up from the same bed and the same room as yesterday. Nothing has changed yet and I woke up very early so what I did- or try DO is get up and try walking again but yet again I fell and cause a big thud on the floor but as soon I try to get up I noticed something... My vision is blurry. I close one eye and everything was fine and can see well but as soon as I move to the next eye I see nothing but a blur.

Am I blind?

I thought and figure yes I am... One of my eyes are blind and could not see anything. I see a mirror and crawl towards it and see what I look like.
I'm of course big... Slightly muscled, don't know how but I am. I as well have large breasts... hm, no wonder I can't breathe well in my sleep.

I moved up my head and looked directly at my face and see I have the sides of my hair a different color than each other. One was a very dark brown which could often be called black hair, and the other side is pure white... And my eyes are different from each other too. One is red and the other is just a foggy but light yellow but I see a spec of gold when I look closer. I suddenly see a flash of light and stood there confused until it all just stopped and see that im in the middle of some building... It was so different and so old. As if it's been taken down, but after that, it all stopped and was back to the room I was originally been. I rubbed my eyes once or twice and stood up and see that Arthur was behind me with a worried expression.

"Oh thank God! Your okay okay!"

"W-what?... What do you mean?"

"I heard a thud coming from this room and I came as quick as I can and see you were laying down on the ground completely passed out... I was going to call Merlin but it seems your okay now, unless if you feeling sick or something?"

"No no I'm fine your Highness"

"Please call me Arthur"

I stood there and forgot about the vision instantly as I rub my head that's going to work. but I slowly stand up as Arthur did the same. He's really small...

"Alright, shall we get you some food? You must be starving even tho your more energized"

"I guess you could say that. But didn't you say we need to be heading off soon for a war?"

"Yes, but we will need one more thing to do before heading out to war. And also we're gonna need to get you some armor soon as well."

The male and his hand under his chin thinking. He was serious and at the same time he was just adorable, he's like a child to me.

" know I dont think you have to go through all that trouble. "

"Oh but I must, I can't have beautiful women go out to war without proper protection."

I sigh as a little vision came back but different. It was a sword and its shape wasn't like any had a blade the color of blood and a handle of pure gold. Its details were interesting.


"Hm?-...oh yes! You will need a sword too. One that is strong of course and sharp."

"Do you perhaps have a sword that is red...a-as blood?"

The boy looked at him with a slightly surprised look and then smiled

"Ah I see, the sword with the unusual shape is yours isn't it. Merlin has it and protected so surely you'll get it back soon"

"I see...hey Arthur, I haven't told my name at all have I?..."

"Now that I think of it no. You never told me or Merlin, but it must be difficult since you lost your memories."

"Oh-...well i may have a clue what my name is now"

"Really! what is it?"

"I believe it was"

"Oh? Well then, nice to meet you, Laminitis"

To be continued

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