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Arthur took me to places around Camelot, and they were interesting. He took me to local bakeries, little shops, and all sorts of small buildings. Tho they are rather difficult to get in due to my height but being outside is much better, I could move freely and walk around more instead of being in bed resting for more than 3 days.

Arthur kept his eyes on me for a while to just make sure I don't pass out. I think by the last time I fell he panicked and felt the need to be more concerned about my condition although I'm completely fine. now that I think of it he's like a baby duck and I'm the mama duck crossing the road, its adorable but a bit weird. After a while, we came back to the castle. I had to stay in my room though because of the condition I'm still having, I have been also clumsy with a lot of things that I have to sit down and don't move. Arthur came in with an envelope in his hand that had my name on it, i was curious about why and who wrote it.

"One of my men gave this from their way back from a kingdom, they said that it's important for you to read it"

I was confused, I didn't know anyone from anywhere. I know i wave trouble remembering but I'm almost certain that i don't know anyone that would give me a letter.

But with reluctance, i held the note and open it. The paper was clean and white and the writing was cursive, I took my time to read carefully.

dear Laments,

I'm writing this letter to you because of a rumor I have been given. I'll be coming to Camelot in 3 moons at sunrise. if you could, please tell the king of Camelot to lower their weapons as I am no harm to them or the King. all i am doing is coming to see you and tell you everything you need to know importantly... I know it will be hard for you to understand for you just had woken up from a 100-year sleep with no recollection. please be at ease as I come to see you for the first.

Sincerely, E.L

I was indeed confused. The feeling from the writer seems honest and concerning. He or she has a lot to explain but it will have to wait, Arthur is feeling the same I could tell.

"Are you going to do what the person says?...he did say he is no harm to you or your people"

"Well... I find it hard to believe and I can't wrap my head around this l. Why would this anonymous person want to meet you today on such short notice, do you perhaps know this person? "

I thought for awhile and my memory is still fuzzy. No matter how much I try it won't ring a bell that it even makes my head ache from all the pressure. I would give Arthur a slight gesture saying I don't recall.

"I see, it's still a bit too early to remember things so please don't worry Laments... when the time comes I'll  make sure you are kept an eye on. Ill go to the front gate and see this person."

Even though he told me to not worry, I can't help but be worried! This anonymous person may be a terrible person who may want to cause chaos! I'm a huge woman, why would I need a guard to watch me?

I won't be able to stop it tho, its kings orders and I have no liberty to decline that. So the best I can from is watch from afar, so that I can make sure he is okay. Arthur puts the note away and started to walk towards to some guards and speak to them for awhile... everything is so fast that I can hardly keep up. First I wake up from a coma, start physical training and fail most of the time, then get a note from Mr Anonymous and now I'm being treated as a someone to be productive even though I don't need it!

At Night

I sat at the edge of my bed looking out at the window as I look after for some people. I saw one man going to a tavern, two children run to there homes, a woman closing her flower shop, and two young couples walking together.

"It was interesting to me on how people live there lives at a place like this... I wonder if I could."

As sat there I sense Merlin behind me across the room. I quickly turned and get startled by how close she is...she's really scary not gonna lie.

"You seem to be troubled still... is it because that letter that been sent to you?"

"How did you know?- did Arthur tell you?"

She would shake her head and give a slight chuckle as she walks towards a desk and start to pour some liquid into a glass of water. When she was done she walked  towards me and held the drink, I could tell that she wants me to drink it so I hold the drink and sip some of the water. It tasted gross but I kept a strong face as she watched me making sure i drink it all.

"You must drink this if you want to stop failing on her physical training. You may be tall but you still lack of skill and agility."

"Hmph... I'm starting to think that everyone is treating me like a child."

She sat right next to me and put her hand on my back. It was soft and delicate, it felt quite pleasing for a moment.

"Ms Merlin... from what I see you are a mage and a very powerful one to be exact. Are the people you call seven deadly sins mages too?"

"No, they are all different from each other. Ones that not humans or non humans would ever think would be possible... a immortal human, a fairy, a giant, a super mortal, a doll and lastly a demon, and of course me the mage."

All of those races in a one group?... how did they manage to bond to become a group in the first place. A lot of thinks went around in my mind that it make me dizzy. But after that Merlin told be to lay down and sleep so I can wake up early for training

I of course did what she say and try to get some sleep. And until 3 moons pass I'll me careful from the person who wants to see me...

To be continued

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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Obsession Blood Emporerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें