I didn't fall asleep for hours. My mind was full of questions and worries. How would I find my friends? How long would it take for my ankle to heal? Was WICKED actually good?

But when I did fall asleep, it wasn't anymore pleasant than being awake, laying in my own sweat. My dreams returned.

I was standing in the silent city streets. They were empty. No people. No vendors. No dumpster fires. No Ellen, Michelle or Serena. I was alone in the eerie moonlight. I walked down the road, kicking up dust, the flew higher than dust would normally. It was like the earth's gravity was reduced, but my feet stayed glued to the ground.

The street didn't seem to end as I kept walking, but the moon did begin to slowly sink behind the skyscrapers, soon being replaced by a giant blazing sun, that scorched my skin, but I kept on walking.


Someone called my name. I kept walking.


My feet didn't stop, but now, instead of walking alone, a woman strode beside me. Her ginger hair was pulled into a tight bun, stretching her wrinkled face. She was dressed in a white dress suit, her high heels making loud, distinct noises when they hit the pavement.

"Maya, do you think WICKED is good?" the woman asked. She looked down at me as we walked, waiting for my answer. My eyes met hers, but I didn't answer.

A new set of footsteps joined ours. Newt trotted on the other side of me, his brown eyes staring dreamily into the sun, the rays illuminating his handsome features.

"WICKED isn't good, Maya," he mumbled and my eyes shifted from the woman to Newt, meeting his gaze that was now fixed on me.

"Maya, WICKED is good!" the woman shouted, and stopped walking, and we followed her example, going still. I looked at the woman, who was breathing heavily. Black liquid began to swallow up her eyes. "You must remember! WICKED IS GOOD!" She lunged at me, her teeth growing into sharp points, her mouth opening to devour me.

But before she could sink her teeth into my skin, Newt grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, and before my dream self could realize, Newt was the woman's feast. By jumping in front of her, the womans mouth connected with his flesh, and in no time, she had ravenously devoured him like a rabid animal.

"Don't forget us," Newts voice whispered through my mind, and I sat up in my sleeping bag in a cold sweat.

"I won't," I squeaked, breathing heavily, replying to the dead Dream Newt. "Never."

It was still night, but the night sky was slightly lighter than it was before I fell asleep. Still sweating, I unzipped my sleeping bag entirely, letting cool air reach my moist, hot skin.

The events of the horrifying dream echoed through my brain, but the look of hungry fury in the woman's eyes before they were overcome with black liquid, was going to be forever stamped into my brain. What if Newt was in real danger? I looked down at my ankle, which was wrapped in clammy fabric. It was still injured, but it felt slightly better than it did when I awoke in the back of that junked car, with Ellen, Serena and Michelle looking down at me.

I looked at the girls, who were sleeping peacefully, curled up in their sleeping bags, slight snores escaping their chapped lips, then I remembered my desperately dry lips and throat.

Groaning, I lifted myself to my one good foot, leaning against the wall, as I made my way out of the room to the terribly lit bathroom. A meager candle flickered, its melted wax keeping it anchored to the corner of a small sink.

I propped myself against the sink and got close to the mirror so I was able to see my features clearer in the dim light. Heavy bags sat under my eyes and the cracks on my lips were now thick scabs. I lifted my long side bangs, uncovering a long scar that ran from the side of my forehead down my cheek and finished where my ear ended. The flesh was still raw in the middle, but the edges were beginning to scab. I ran my hand through my hair, keeping one hand on the edge of the sink to steady myself. The blue locks that covered my huge scar were crusted with red blood, which didn't look too nice.

"I need a shower," I moaned quietly to no one in particular. After I had made my hair look half decent, and had washed my face, I leaned over to the tap to quench my thirst. I drank the water for minutes on end, taking breaths every so often.

"- sure she's here?"

That's what I heard when I turned the tap off. My heart skipped a beat when I heard a familiar Hispanic accent in the hissed whisper. It was so quiet, but I knew that I heard it. I tiptoed out of the bathroom, and hobbled to the front door, opening it the slightest crack, and listened closely.

"Yes, I know what I saw, bloody hell."


"Fry, no one here is going to have dark blue hair!"


Adrenaline coursed through my veins, and I gasped loudly, covering my mouth with both hands, then lost balance. I fell against the door, swinging it open and crashing onto the hallway floor. "Ow," I groaned, getting to my knees, brushing the dust off my overalls.


I looked up to see Frypan, Minho, Jorge, Teresa, and a safe Newt standing above me, gaping in disbelief. "Hey guys," I giggled sheepishly and gave them a slight wave from my spot on the floor.

"Bloody shucking hell!" Newt cried, dropping to his knees and wrapping me in a warm embrace, the familiar scent of his jacket filling my nose as I buried my face into his dirty blond hair, laughing with tears in my eyes. "I thought I lost you, slinthead!" Newt cried, hugging me closer to his chest, running his fingers through my hair.

"I thought I lost you, dork! I didn't think I'd ever be able to you guys back!" My tears finally slipped from my eyes, dripping onto Newts jacket.

"Okay Newt! We want some time with her too!" Minho laughed, patting Newts shoulder. The boy let me go, beaming widely, his hand squeezing mine. I tried to get to my feet, but ended up tripping over my injured ankle and had to lean on Newt for support. "That's from the fall, I'm assuming?" Minho smirked, wrapping his arms around me, and I nodded, when he released me.

Frypan gave me an equally hard embrace, if not harder and Teresa hugged me as well. Jorge held out his hand to me so I could shake it, but I slapped it away, and hugged him. It took him a couple second to return it, but he did, and gave me a hearty slap on the back when we released.

"Maya?" a groggy voice asked, and I turned around, still holding onto Newts hand.

Ellen stood the apartment doorway, a gun in her hand and a confused look on her face.

Changes (Newt x OC) (Maze Runner Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now