Chapter 16 - Surprise

Start from the beginning

"We can call by your house tomorrow?" Zoe said, clearly rushing about as we continued to converse. "We have a flight in just a few hours." She giggled.

"I can't wait!!" I replied, still dumbstruck that this was actually happening. I though about trips out, and precious days by the sea. Anything that we could all do together. "See you soon!" I smiled.

"Don't tell Connor!" Zoe quickly added before I hung up. "I want to surprise him too" I nodded to myself, and looked at him secretively from the door. There was a nurse entering the ward, and she began to patrol around.

"Okay! He will be so happy Zo!" I answered, getting ready to hang up the phone. "I can't wait to see his little face." I chuckled, saying a few quick goodbyes.

He really was going to love this.

Connor's POV

The chemo was making me tired and I started to drift off as Troye walked outside to talk to Zoe. I hated this needle embedded in my skin. Not only did it make me feel weird, but I couldn't move around much, in fear that I'd rip the stupid thing out.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" The nurse smiled as she came in to check my vitals. I would have stayed asleep if I had known, but the thought that it could be Troye's face forced me to open my eyes.

"A bit weird" I said, as I watched the orange coloured liquid pour into my skin. I winced as I began to squirm about, stretching slightly as I woke from my slumber. I wondered how long I had been out, running my tired eyes with my free arm.

"It's quite normal during the first session, don't worry" she smiled now beginning to adjust the needle against my hand. I watched her intensely, fiddling with the IV pump, casually sitting to my right. The nurse looked annoyed, but persisted with her job, failing to keep me entertained.

"When can I leave?" I questioned, my eyes looking hopeful as I fidgeted once again. Let's just say the beds were far from comfortable. My back was aching, and I felt as if I was laid on a hard wood floor.

"In about 20 minutes. We just need to keep you in for a little bit to make sure it doesn't react with you badly" she said, beginning to walk towards the door. I just nodded and persisted with laying down once again. I wished Troye could just hug the cancer away, it would be so much better.

"I wish I could hug it away too" Troye laughed as he walked back into the room. My brain whirled with confusion until I realised I had said it out loud.

"Sorry, just talking to myself, nothing to worry about, just a sign of clinical insanity" I chuckled suddenly jolting upwards at his presence. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, but settled for squeezing his hand.

"The nurse said it's going be another 20 minutes before we can leave" Troye sighed as he took the seat next to my bed. He played with my hair, stroking my cheek with his thumb, as we sat in waiting.

"I know" I rolled my eyes in annoyance, and let out a frustrated sigh. "What did Zoe want?" I questioned, trying to change the subject.

"Nothing" Troye smirked as he forced himself to look away from me. I knew he wasn't telling me something but I decided to let it drop.

"I have something for you though" he chirped, beginning to rummage through his bag. He seemed suddenly upbeat, and the emotion was quite nice to see. His baggy adidas jumper hung on him as he reached for the item, making him look huggable as he sat back up.

"Oooh what is it?" I asked, now fully leaning over the bed.

"Well I found something in your flight bag yesterday, a note with things you want to take pictures of." I instantly looked away. I had written that note before I knew I had cancer. It seemed so pointless now, thinking of the little I would be able to do as this disease ate away at me. I blinked back the tears and gave him a weak nod.

"What's Wrong baby?" Troye seemed confused as he turned my face to look at him. He cupped it in his hands, wiping my fallen tear.

"It's not like I can actually do any of that stuff" I sighed, still not looking at Troye, in a desperate bid not to cry. His eyebrows furrowed, and he sat disheartened as I refused his gift.

"Don't be silly!" Troye smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "That's why I bought you this."

He put a large decorated book in my hands. It had swirly gold writing on the front and a hardback brown cover on the front. It said 'Memories'. I studied it, running my hand along the smooth edes and opening it up to look at the pretty cardboard pages.

"It's a scrapbook" Troye smiled, forcing me to understand his logic. He could see I was confused, but smiled as I studied it in awe.

"I know that, but why?" I questioned, clearly not following where this was going.

"Well I'm going to make it my mission to ensure that you take every one of those photos." He said firmly. "And we are going to put them all in here" He suggested pointing at the beauty in my hands. It's little cover, and his hand rendered work on the front made me tear up, for once happy tears aswell.

"Thank you Tro" I mumbled, my head lolling onto his chest. He hugged me tightly, and kissed my fluffy hair. This was all so overwhelming, and beautiful at the same time.

"I love you Con" He said. "I would do anything for you."


I feel like that was a bit if a longer chapter... So zalfie are going to make an appearance in the book now!! I'm happy about that because they are two of my favourite youtubers! :) please comment and vote to get the next chapter.

Becca xx

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