Chapter 16 - Surprise

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Troye's POV

"Hello?" I answered the call almost apprehensively, as I didn't know whether Zalfie knew about Connor. My instant thought was that I would have to break the news, and my heart suddenly dropped, causing me to think I wasn't strong enough.

"Hey!" Zoe chirped, her sweet voice instantly putting a smile on my face. "It's been so long Troye!" She chatted, her British accent warm and bubbly, as I exhaled the stress.

"I know!" I laughed, now looking over at Connor, lowering my voice as he was settling down to sleep. I decided to talk outside, so I quietly opened the door and stepped into the hospital corridor.

"How is everything with Connor?" Zoe's voice suddenly changed to a more quiet, nervous sounding whisper. She pondered over her next sentence, taking a long pause across the phone. I waited impatiently, and gathered my reply as she still remained silent.

"I'm guessing you heard then?" I sighed, half upset that she was worried, half relived that I didn't have to tell her. It was almost a bitter sweet situation, and I had to yet again horn back my tears.

"Tyler told Alfie and I over Skype" she sniffed. Now that I spoke to her more, I could tell she wasn't happy at all. If I knew her, which I did, it sounded as if she had been crying.

"I just can't believe it Zo, he was fine, and then everything just fell apart." I almost whispered, trying not to let Connor hear, as there was only a thin wall in between us. I was quietly whimpering, and I looked back at my beautiful baby, who was sleeping through the window.

"I know! Alfie got really upset and so did I!" Zoe cried, her voice starting to break on the phone as she spoke. I wished I could calm her, but my voice has to be enough. I hoped Alfie was hugging her close, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

"He is having his first Chemo session right now." I explained. " He is doing okay, but I'm worried he isn't holding up very well." I let my concerns become verbal, mentioning his break downs, and his recent distant behaviour. It was perfectly normal with the situation, but it was still painful to watch. That was the man I loved laying in there.

I could feel the tension rise over the phone and I gulped down the lump in my throat, desperately waiting for her delayed reply, muffled by the sobs frequently drowning out her words.

"I have a surprise for you though Troye" Zoe's sobs quietened, and she took a large shaky breath. I felt my clammy hands stop quaking, and I listened to her plan.

"What is it Zo?" I questioned, instantly intrigued at her sudden upbeat nature. My mind had been so preoccupied with Connor, that I forgot that she had randomly rung me, late at night for most British people.

"Well, when we heard what happened, Alfie and I both realised you and Connor need people around you right now, you know, to help out." I just nodded before telling her to carry on. "So we booked a flight over to LA" she chirped.

"Oh my god really??" I was so happy that they were coming to visit. After everything that had happened over the last week, Connor and I needed some good news, and this was something that would really cheer him up.

"SURPRISE!" She shouted down the phone, Alfie clearly joining in as she laughed. I could hear their dog barking in celebration, and my heart lifted at the sounds of their soothing voices. It was nice to gain some support, I wasn't doing well on my own.

"When will you be here?" I jumped up and down in my spot, almost unable to contain my excitement. They were actually coming and I couldn't believe it! My feet felt fidgety, and I wanted to rush to the airport in one bundle of joy.

Picture of a lifetime (Tronnor fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt