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he drifts in and out of sleep. at one point he hears the door downstairs open, the sound of keys being thrown and soft murmuring.

yugyeom smiles before going back to sleep. he awakens again, this time to an arm curled around his waist, low music playing in the background, he floats back into peaceful dreams.

when he finally opens his eyes, feeling a bit less like shit and more human, the sky outside is blistered in foggy grey clouds against the navy sky.

the sound of rain pittering and pattering lulls yugyeom's mind into a calm cloud of senseless thoughts. the clock he was gifted shimmers its reflection and ticks that it is currently 3:12 a.m. yugyeom stretches his stiff body, rolling out of the duvet that jaebum must've curled him in.

speaking of jaebum, the older boy is nowhere to be found. it makes yugyeom feel a little sad, but relief wins out – he doesn't like the idea of jaebum and him talking, is scared he'll end up saying something he'll regret.

music is still playing in his room, the vinyl record turning gently and soothingly. the tender play of the violin and piano keys lofting around his room, the song the fragile tide pours over yugyeom's tired soul. his stomach growls and he's glad that the nausea from earlier has long gone.

grabbing the jeans from last night, yugyeom plucks his phone out and puts it to charge.

downstairs he catches sight of nora's form curled into the small couch in the living room, her glowing green eyes twinkle as she follows yugyeom's stance into the kitchen.

he's surprised though when he finds a bag of takeout on the counter, a yellow post-it note with the words, eat up, maybe we can go to the movies friday - J.

yugyeom doesn't fight off the smile nor the hope that dawns over him. he knows jaebum will probably end up ditching him, work or school coming up like it always does, but he sincerely hopes that they'll catch up and perhaps watch Moonlight that's playing in the theatre that's hidden away in a lonely corner a few stops away from hongdae. the sentiment is sweet nonetheless and yugyeom folds the paper before pocketing into his hoodie.

he heats up the food, his stomach growling louder as the minutes pass by. yugyeom picks out the French-Swedish short film his teacher lend him and plops it into the dvd player. call him old fashion but yugyeom prefers watching his movies through a physical copy.

he sinks comfortably onto the couch, nora blinks at him before scooting closer to him and warming his left side.

time seems to go slow in these moments, the movie is playing quietly with the volume setting low enough that yugyeom can still hear the tiny fractions of music playing from his room.

he can hear the rain shutter down faster, before quieting down and only its slow drops raining down. the movie captures yugyeom attention, he follows the main lead as she rides her bicycle through the small town of a french village near the Swedish border and bouts around his little bakery.

he feels his heart sink alongside her when she chases after the train, looking for the only person who understood her and finding that he has his own partner and fleeing away.

he's sad when the film is over, the credits rolling and the music mixing alongside ...and the rain plattered.

nora jumps into his lap, rubbing her head where yugyeom's hoodie has risen up to show his pale tummy. it's a little past five in the morning and yugyeom can feel sleep tugging around the edges of his conscious mind.

he finds himself not running away from the tiny cracks in his dream that find a middle school bambam running around the soccer field and a 12 year old yugyeom chasing after him with his eyes.

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