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their astronomy teacher is running late. students wander aimlessly around the hallway, some with their earphones plugged on and others talking to one another.

jungkook and jackson share this class with him, they're both rambling on about something that yugyeom really isn't paying attention to. not when bambam is right across him, waiting for his computer science teacher to open the door.

yugyeom guesses though that it has something to do with a party – most likely the one bambam was coming back from the other day.

he tunes them out easily, grunting and humming when he finds it necessary so that jungkook or jackson won't find it suspicious that he's not paying attention.

through all the commotion of students laughing and jackson's high pitch voice ringing, yugyeom can latch onto bambam's voice.

his head follows each movement that the thai boy makes, from how he furiously shakes his head at hansol to the way he pushes minghao's skinny arms away from him.

bambam laughs, his head turning to face one of his friends, when suddenly he makes eye contact with yugyeom – catching the tall boy staring at him.

yugyeom flushes, averting his eyes back to Jungkook who is re-telling the story of how taehyung got him drunk and jackson dared him to go naked and jump into the pool on a cool spring night.

for a few seconds yugyeom can feel a burning gaze tearing through his skin and into his bones, but it only last for those few seconds before yugyeom's body stops tingling.

in-between the chatter and yelling from teachers Yugyeom is able to pick out minghao's voice, teasing bambam about something. "you totally said yes, man. i was there, mingyu was fucking there. stop being a little priss and live up to your stupid answers."

bambam spurts out indignantly, yugyeom isn't able to hear what he says, just snippets and he's able to make out that bambam asked out a girl because he was too high to acknowledge who it was.

the bell rings then, jungkook pulling yugyeom into the classroom as the teacher cries out apologies and frets over her hair.

yugyeom looks over his shoulder one last time before entering the lab and is startled to see bambam's unwavering gaze zeroed on him.

"dude, what is it with you today? you've been zoning out since this morning."


the sound of jackson whining and jinyoung shushing him is familiar to yugyeom. it washes over him like the shadow of the wind that breezes through the grass. the sun is pouring down over them, creating sweat to gather uncomfortably through their thin shirts and clammy foreheads. yugyeom huffs out a sigh, hands drifting to his hips as he breathes in the humid taste of late spring.

they're at some kind of event, yugyeom doesn't know much about it except that he was dragged off to volunteer by jinyoung.

jackson is complaining about how he should be home right now, watching a movie with popcorn and a slushie on this terribly hot spring day instead of having to pass out brochures to adults and kids alike.

jinyoung retaliates about how the community service will look good on his resume when he applies to university, the same one jinyoung's going to.

"you won't even be doing much work jackson, you'll just be handing out papers to people and smile like the charming young man you are." yugyeom retches when jackson blushes to his ears, jinyoung grinning at him until his eyes turn into moon crescents.

"Gosh, you two are horrible. do that kind of stuff in the privacy of your own room."

jinyoung narrows his eyes, biting back his words. jackson slaps him lightly over the head. "shut up, it's called progress."

jinyoung shows them to a table set up with flyers and pens. yugyeom sits down on a chair, jinyoung giving the both of them instructions for when the people start to gather and the event begins.

"don't do anything stupid guys," jinyoung warns them before he jogs off to talk with seokjin and all the other talented drama students.

jackson sighs out petulantly, pouting as he keeps his gaze on jinyoung who is now talking with a student that yugyeom doesn't know the name of.

he watches how the dude wraps an arm around jinyoung's waist, smiling at him with cocky eyes. yugyeom hears jackson make a noise at the back of his throat, a the fuck tumbling from his lips.

"dude, is Jinyoung flirting with that guy?" jackson asks, his voice unusually raucous.

yugyeom turns away from jinyoung, facing jackson who has this adorable frown etched over his handsome features.

he feels a wave of sympathy for Jackson, if there's anyone in the world who is madly in love and so obvious about it, it's jackson wang.

yugyeom's always known that the chinese boy had a crush the size of asia on jinyoung since he entered their classroom twelve years ago.

yugyeom hadn't talked to jinyoung back then (the guy was too popular and well-liked by everyone for yugyeom to hang out with him) but jackson had fumbled through his broken korean as a six-year-old and won over jinyoung's heart, becoming his best friend.

two years later, jackson shared the same teacher with yugyeom and befriended him too. introducing him to jinyoung who had smiled at him and taken him under his wing.

yugyeom had always noticed the way jackson's gaze would linger on jinyoung during their middle school years, how he'd bite the inside of his cheek whenever a girl confessed to jinyoung and then was politely rejected by the korean boy.

yugyeom asked jackson about it one time, why he didn't just tell jinyoung how he felt. jackson had turn all sad, eyes falling down as he bit his lip. "we're nothing alike, our friendship barely works and besides, jinyoung's always been too worthy for me. i'm – i'm nothing."

yugyeom had really wanted to hit jackson over the head. how could the most confident guy in their student body (in the entire universe) not see the way jinyoung would stare at jackson like he had hung up the moon and the stars just for him.

how he was always turning people down because he wanted the boy who was so close to him yet so far from his reach.

yugyeom ended up sighing, having to live on with being friends to two of the stupidest in love people who seem like they were dating since they met but were in fact just friends.

"you know what yug? i'm uh, going to ask jinyoung a question i've had regarding this thing. i'll be back." jackson mumbles, marching off to push himself in-between the handsy boy and jinyoung.

yugyeom holds back a laugh, watching the random boy sneer at jackson before turning away.

jackson ends up staying by jinyoung's side, something yugyeom knew would happen. he wonders how he'll be passing the fliers to all the guest when–

when in comes bambam. always showing up at the most random of places. 

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