Hotel Shenanigans

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Description: Kiri wants to fuck, Baku hopes he can be quiet enough 😳
TW: Semi-Public sex?
Genre: Smuttttttttt
Author: Hot_Sauce

"Hell no!" Bakugou said, almost offended by the proposition. Actually no, he was offended.

"Come on! I know you want to!" Kirishima whined, towering over top of the blonde on their bed.

"Listen hair for brains, we're in a hotel with all out fucking employers and allies around us and the walls are thin." Bakugou said, as if he were spelling it out for the idiot.

"Then just be quiet," Kirishima replied, as if he were solving life problems here.

"Fuck, dammit Eiji! Just wait til we're home!"

Bakugou sighed, though the idea was growing on him, especially as the man towering over him dropped his voice an octave very unsubtly pressed his thigh against Bakugou's crotch.

"We don't go home til tomorrow evening... I can't wait that long, and I know you can't either..." Kirishima said in a husky whisper, a tone he knew that drove Bakugou mad.

Bakugou shuddered at the breath against his neck, and growling he flipped the two of them.

"No, go to sleep." He said, frowning. He wasn't giving in to this idiot, no he was putting his foot down. Eiji could get him to do just about anything but having a fuck fest with Fat gum's room to their left and gang Orca's room to their right with only paper thin walls separating them was where he drew the line.

He felt a hand in his hair as Kirishima pulled him down to kiss. Fine, kissing was fine he didn't mind kissing the idiot if it got him to shut up and go to sleep. They had to be on the news in the afternoon tomorrow for some kind of hero interview, and he didn't want to be falling asleep during it.

Bakugou let out an unintentional pleased hum as Kirishima ran his tongue over his bottom lip, a hand settling on his hips as Kirishima slipped his tongue into Bakugou's mouth. He'd never tell Eiji, he probably didn't have to, but he was insanely good at kissing. Bakugou's mind would go blank as Kirishima would grip his hair and force his head to tilt or to pull him closer. He wasn't aware of the sounds he was making, letting Kirishima tug his leg so Bakugou was properly straddling him.

Bakugou slipped his hand up Kirishima's tanktop, his other hand tugging a spiked strand of red hair as their foreheads were practically touching. He let out a muffled moan as Kirishima rocked his crotch to slide against his own, their long kiss broke and initiated several short, hungry ones.

He couldn't control how loud he was, it was a fucking curse even if Eiji adored how vocal he was, he fucking hated it. It made nights like this one very hard, he tried hard to stay aware of his own voice but his mind was much more preoccupied with what Eiji was doing with his hips.

"oh fuuuck," Bakugou groaned, before crashing their lips back together.

That was when they heard the first knock on the wall, and it wasn't an accidental knock. No that was someone hitting it with their fist or a shoe in a 'kindly shut the fuck up' way. Bakugou cringed as he looked up at the wall like the person on the other side was witnessing this. No, they were just hearing it.

"That was Fat Gum's room, right?" Kirishima asked, and didn't wait for Bakugou to answer before that hand in his hair tightened its grip and yanked him down for another hungry kiss.

Bakugou broke that kiss, and in between short, rapid fire kisses he got out his words.

"Wait, Eiji" more kissing, "we should stop" another long kiss, "'fore they barge in" Bakugou's eyes practically rolled back as Kirishima shoved his tongue back into his mouth, and he was flipping them over.

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