Twenty Nine.

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A hand caressed my face gently. The smell of her perfume made me smile.

"Sarah. Wake up, sweetie."
"I'm up." I responded to her calm voice.
"It's your wedding day. It's time to get up."
"I'm awake." I mumbled. Her hand pushed my hair away from my face.
"Wake up, Sarah." Her voice faded away.
"Mom?" I said in the dream before I jolted my head off the pillow. My eyes searched the hotel room. I was alone.
My phone chimed with a text notification. I used the pillow to wipe the tears as I stretched my arms to find my phone. I unplugged my phone to see a text from a new group chat Mykie had created called Team Bride that included my bridal party: Taylor, Candace and Cassie. I wouldn't expect anything less from my Maid of Honor.

Good morning, Team Bride! MOH reporting live from Starbucks. I'll be at the Bride's room in t-minus 15 minutes! 💍👰

I sighed heavily at the time frame given to me to wake up and recover from the dream. I began typing a text to Tyler that I had dreamt of my mom. I could feel the tears flooding my eyes. I deleted the words and locked the phone.
The hot shower woke me up as much as it could since I won't be having caffeine until Mykie arrived. I refrained from washing my hair, per strict orders by the hairstylist hired for the day. She insisted two day hair works best for her, which makes sense, despite how much hair dye I still had in my hair from touching up the burgundy color the week before.
I dried my body and applied a moisturizing body lotion. The aroma of peonies from the lotion filled the giant bathroom. I held back the tears as I slipped on the silk white robe Mykie ordered for me. The words "Mrs. Seguin" were sequined on the back. I caught myself smiling at the words in the mirror. A knock on the door startled me.

"Happy wedding day!" Mykie sang as I opened the door to her juggling of coffees, bags and my dress. Cassie and Candace behind her smiled at me with more coffees in their hands. They filed into the room giggling.
"Good morning!" Cassie handed me a coffee. "Look at the names!" She said, giggling. I turned the cup around to see the barista had written 'Bride' on my cup and labeled the others with 'Bridesmaids', 'Maid of Honor' and 'Mother of the Groom'.
"That's adorable." I smiled. Mykie hung up my dress by the window.
"You're really calm considering today is your wedding day." She said, glaring at me. I sipped the coffee and shrugged my shoulders.
"It hasn't really hit me yet."
"It will when you see him." Candace added as she stretched her body with a yawn. I sipped more of the coffee thinking of what Tyler would look like at the alter. A knock on the door had the four of us turn our heads to the door. I opened the door to see Jackie, Taylor and Bridgette with big smiles. I hugged them as they entered the room.
The videographer, photographer, makeup artist and hairstylist arrived a few minutes later. Mykie turned on a playlist she created for our huge getting ready journey. The low hum of conversations filled the room along with the upbeat tempo of cute love songs.


We all piled into two cars to sneak into the venue's side room. The venue had tall windows, from the floor to the ceiling, perfect for photos of me in my mom's dress.
Jackie helped me with buttoning the trail of buttons down the back of the dress. The videographer filmed different angles along with the photographer snapping away. Mykie had to motion for me to smile multiple times.

"There she is." My dad's voice behind me made me almost spin around so fast that I lost my balance. His eyes filled with tears.
"Hi dad." I said, gently. He wiped the tears with a handkerchief. "What's that?" I motioned my head to the small piece of white fabric.
"A gift from your future husband." Dad held up the handkerchief. Gold lettering on a corner read my dad's initials.
"How's he doing?" I tried to keep my tone as calm as possible. I should have known my dad would see right through it.
"He's here." A let out a deep breath that I didn't realize I was holding in and nodded my head. "You look beautiful, kiddo." His eyes became glassy again. I adjusted the short sleeves over my shoulders.
"Thank you, dad." I whispered gently. I smiled at the photographer as she tapped the back of my arm to release me. I hugged my dad tightly. A knock on the big wood door brought me back. Tiffany squeezed her petite body through a small opening of the door.

"It's showtime, everyone!" She announced to the room. Everyone excitingly hopped over to me with their shrieking. Mykie handed me my bouquet of peonies with their different shades of pink complimenting each other. I hugged her and the rest of my bridal party as they walked out of the room one by one. My dad held onto my hand as he led me to the beginning of the aisle. We stood back as the bridal party met with their partner. I waved to my brothers and Jamie, the best man, of course.
"You look amazing." Jamie whispered to me as Mykie wrapped her arm around his.
"Thank you!" I whispered excitingly. He held up a thumb to me. The doors leading to the beautifully decorated venue opened. I backed away around the corner to avoid seeing Tyler. Dad glanced down the aisle for me.

"He's there." He mumbled, keeping his mouth from moving too much. I nodded my head.
"This is really happening." I managed to whisper for a reply. The butterflies had made their way to my chest, filling it with a tightness that made my breathes short and painful. The doors closed after the bridal party entered the venue.
"It is." He smiled calmly, holding out his hand. I held onto it firmly. Tiffany motioned for us to walk up to the door.
"My little girl is getting married." Dad whispered to me. We shared a glance just as the song "I Can't Help Falling in Love" by Kina Grannis started playing over the speakers. "Here we go, kiddo." I wrapped my arm around his and held my bouquet up to my chest. The doors opened. The guests were all standing and smiling as we began our walk down the aisle. My eyes adjusted to the photographer's flashing camera just as they connected with Tyler's. His smile widened the moment our eyes met.

This is really happening.

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