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The driver helped bring the luggage to the front door. We thanked him and watched him drive away. I gave another quick peck on Tyler's lips then knocked on the front door. Tyler fidgeted his arm from around my body to crossing his arms to back around me. The door opened to my two older brothers.

"Squirt!" They both hollered. I was immediately scooped up into their arms. Sometimes I forget how long it has been since I've seen them.
"Let me down! Come on, guys!" I pleaded. My feet finally touching the ground, I turned around to see the front door closed. "What the fuck!" I opened the door to an empty front porch. I turned back to them glaring. "Seriously?! We just got here!"
"Maybe we scared him back to Canada." Sean teased, punching Steve in the arm. Steve punched him back, cracking up. I rolled my eyes.
"They didn't." Tyler's voice and laughter from behind them made me squeeze past my six feet tall and obnoxious brothers. He was standing in the kitchen with two beers in hand. My dad popped up next to him, smiling.

"Hey kiddo." My dad's beard was a little more gray for this visit. I practically skipped over to him. He was the same height as my brothers so his hugs were just as amazing. I released the hug to introduce everyone to Tyler.
"Tyler.. This is my dad, Robert and my polite brothers, Sean and Steve..or Steven." I pointed to each as Tyler shook their hands. "Dad.. assholes.. this is my boyfriend, Tyler Seguin."
"Seh-geen?" Sean mimicked.
"Seg-gwin. Like penguin." Steve corrected him.
"Assholes." I held my hand out to them to rest my case, only to have the both of them low-five my hand simultaneously. They both laughed uncontrollably at themselves. I did a quick glance around the house. "Where's Taylor and Bridgette?"
"They had to go get ketchup." Sean snapped back. I smacked his arm.

"Okay, kids. They went to get more potatoes." Dad attempted to calm us down. I got excited thinking about my mom's recipe for mashed potatoes that we still use for special occasions and holidays. "Tyler, I'm happy you could join us and would like to welcome you to my home. Sarah, please give Tyler a house tour while me and the asshole brothers—I mean—the assholes—" We all erupted into laughter, except Sean and Steve.
"Very funny. Yeah, no." They both chimed in together.
"Thank you, Mr. Rose. It's an honor to meet the man that raised such an amazing woman." I smiled at the two shaking hands again.
"That's very kind of you to say. Please, call me Robert. Now, I must attend to the turkey. Sarah, show him around." I nod my head at the command by my father. I entangled my fingers with Tyler's to begin the tour.

"And this was my room." I opened the bedroom door to my childhood in a room. Tyler walked inside to inspect every detail. "Still exactly the same." I admitted bashfully, mostly at the Justin Bieber posters.
"Love the Biebs." He pointed to them as he walked by. His steps came to a halt at my dresser filled with framed photos of me and my mom. I stood next to him.
"Every time I come back, I tell myself to bring these to Texas.." I felt his eyes watching me. "..but every time, they stay and I leave." He looked back at the photos. He pointed to my favorite one of me and my mom at Disneyland.
"You have her smile."
"And her height." I giggled, tearing up. He let out a little chuckle. I rest my head on his shoulder. His hand rubbed my back.

"Squirt!" Sean yelled from the living room. I turned toward the hallway. Before I could say anything back, the sounds of little feet approached the room.
"Oh, my god. Get ready for this." I warned Tyler. I knelt down to one knee right as my five year old niece, Bridgette, burst into the room with laughter and bouncing brown curls.
"Auntie Sawah!" I picked her up and hugged her firmly. Swinging her legs around.
"Hi booger! I've missed you!" I planted her onto my hip. "Boogs. This is my boyfriend, Tyler. Can you say 'hi' to him?" Tyler gave her a small wave and mouthed 'hello'.
"Hi!" She squeaked. "Mommy!!" She wiggled off my hip to run to her mom. Taylor smiled at the both of us as she picked up Bridgette.

"Hi! I'm Taylor. Sean's wife..." She held out her hand to Tyler. "..and you met our beautiful daughter, Bridgette." He shook Taylor's hand and tickled Bridgette. Her little laughter made us all smile.
"It's nice to meet you both."
"Mommy, that's Tywer."
"Yes, Tyler Seguin from the Dallas Stars." I raised my eyebrows and widened my eyes. "Sean won't admit it but he's been watching your team ever since you started dating his sister." Taylor whispered, motioning her head to me. "Now this little one watches it too! Ask her what to do when S-t-a-r-s get a g-o-a-l."
"Booger. What do you do when Stars get a goal?"
"Dallas..Staws..Dallas..Staws..Dallas..Staws.." She rallied, just like the hundreds of fans do after a Stars goal. Tyler held his arms up in the air, gave her a high five then pat her on the head.
"That's so awesome, Bridgette!" He gave her another high five. My dad joined us in the room.
"Dinner is ready! Are you hungry, Bridge?" He lifted her from Taylor's arms to stand her on her feet.
"Yeeeeeees!" She howled, running to the dining room. The laughter down the hallway, being led by Bridgette of course, announced our arrival to the table. My dad instructed everyone on where to sit, per usual. Tyler sat at the end on one side between me and my dad. Perfect opportunity for interrogation.
The food was passed around along with more laughter and small talk. Before everyone started eating, I stood up to hand my phone to Steve at the other end of the table.

"Steve! Take a picture!" He stood at the end of the table and held the phone up so we could all be in the shot. He was already laughing when he started to countdown.
"One..two..three! Canada!!" He snapped the photo while I was still smiling. He took another one with everyone laughing, including Tyler with his head tossed back, and me holding up the finger. Steve walked my phone to me, proudly. I snatched it away. I opened the photos. Tyler leaned into my ear.
"Send me those, baby." He whispered, rubbing my thigh with his hand under the table. After not hearing him refer to me as 'baby' in a few hours, the nickname got me all flustered. Not to mention the physical contact.

"No secwets, Tywer!" Bridgette shouted from across the table. Tyler whipped his hand away from my leg.
"I'm sorry, Bridgette. No more secrets!" He held up his hands in defeat. She danced around in the chair that was bigger than her. I leaned into Tyler's ear and covered my mouth with my hand.
"How about you put babies in me?" I whispered into his ear. I squeezed at his thigh under the table. His Adam's apple bobbed from a violent swallow.
"You didn't say I couldn't have secrets, Booger."
"Bridgette Bear, can Grandpa tell you a secret?" My dad asked her. Her face lit up as she nodded. We all giggled at her excitement. She stood up on her chair after the secret was completed.
"Eat!!" She proclaimed to the table. The laughter exploded from everyone. We all held up our glasses, beer bottles and water sippy cup to cheers the Thanksgiving feast.

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