Chapter 11.

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* Michelle *

I pulled the curtains back over the window, sighing to myself. I really don't think my son notices how much she affects him. As I was watching out the window, I almost laughed when Eva wrapped her arms around his neck. Aiken looked like a deer caught in the headlights, not knowing what to do. But I bet he didn't realize when his face softened, and he stood there looking down at her with a small smile for almost 5 minutes. He had a soft spot for Eva. How could he not, she was beautiful and sweet. He was just denying it, but sooner or later he will realize that he is using his hate to cover up his true feelings.

"Baby, are you done playing spy?" Marcus interrupted my thinking by wrapping his arms around me.

Smacking him lighly on the arm I laughed, "Marcus, you know me! I just couldn't help myself. He's got eyes for that girl and is just to blind to see it!"

"I know he does. But if I remember correctly. That's exactly how we used to be! He'll figure it out sooner or later. I just hope he does before its too late. I got lucky!"

Scooping me into a hug, he gave me a light peck on the lips.

"Yes you did mister, and don't forget it!" I winked.

"Honey, speaking of Eva. Did you find anything strange about her behavior?" I moved on to more pressing matters.

Looking up to my husband's face, I saw his smile slip a little. Marcus had dark burnette hair cut into a short style and brown eyes. He was tall, standing at about 6" 2'. And had the build of a guy who worked out regularly.

"Yeah, babe. Her actions were a little off. I noticed that everytime she talked she was not only very polite, but her answers were clipped short and she kept her heard down. Not wanting to look us in the eyes. It almost seemed like a habit, and she didn't realize she was doing it. I don't know though. Maybe her parents are very formal people."

"I noticed that to. Maybe your right hun. But I don't know. I just got this bad feeling when she fainted. Don't get me wrong, its never good to faint, but she looked almost panicked when I asked her why. She had this look in her eyes. It made me want to pick her up in my arms and hug her 'til she pried me off. It sent shivers down my back. I wanted to love her. Maybe I'm reading to much into it, but I'm almost positive she had the same look that Aiken did when we first adopted him. It was haunting Marcus. But when she looked back at me to tell us she needed to go home. The look was gone, like it had never been there."


* Eva *

Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I shot awake.

"Calm down Barbie! It's just me, we are at the school. Its 4:30 so you should still have enough time to get home. Now, get the fuck outta my car. Its Friday night, and I have places to be!"

I sighed, thankful that we were back to hating each other.

"With pleasure," I fired back while getting out of the car and heading to mine. I wish I would stop falling alseep everywhere. It seems not eating, is affecting me more than I thought it would.

As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed my parents vehicle was missing. I breathed a sigh of relief. They don't go out often, but I feeling like throwing a party everytime they do! Heading to my room, I threw my bag onto my bed and watched as some things spilled out of it. Knotting my brow in confusion, I picked up one of the bags. Tears came to my eyes. Michelle wasn't joking when she said she'd put snacks in my bag. There was enough food here to keep me going for another week. I swiped at my cheeks, getting mad at myself for even letting the damned tears fall. Scooping up most of the food, I hid them under my bed quickly. If my parents saw this, I don't know what would happen, but it wouldn't be good! Picking up one of the packs of chips still left on my bed. I gorged myself.

The weekend went by quickly. My parents never came home, so I was almost all healed up, and also very full! The bags under my eyes had almost disappeared and I felt well rested. Walking into first period, with a jump in my step, I made my way to me seat. Mistake 1. I wasn't paying attention. Falling face first, my books flew from my hands, and papers scattered the floor. "Sorry Barbie, you looked a little too happy. Had to bring you down a few notches! Might wanna pick your stuff up quickly before class fills up though, so it won't take so long," He mocked.

I picked everything up before slumping in my seat.

The whole period Aiken decided to annoy the hell out of me. Pulling my hair, stealing my pencil, kicking my leg anything he could think of.

By the time gym came around I was ready to murder him! These childish pranks he's doing are really starting to get to me. Asking the gym teacher if I could be excused to go to the bathroom, I grabbed my bag with the full intent on skipping the rest of the day. Of course I couldn't go home, but I'd figure out something. Turning the corner in the hallway, I was suddenly pulled back and into a dark classroom. Failing to scream as a hand went over my mouth. "Shit, stop squirming Barbie." Aiken said while turning on the lights.

"What the fuck is your problem asshole?"

"Is goody too shoes skipping class? That's very naughty princess!"

"Just get away from me, Thompson. I have to get back to class!"

All of a sudden the air around us changed as I realized he was still pressed up against me, from trying to make me stop moving.

"Aiken, what are you doing?"

He looked down at our position, then back up with a big smirk. One of his legs was positioned in between mine while the other was up against the outside of my right leg. Both of his elbows were on either side of my head leaning on the wall for support. And his forehead was almost touching mine. I froze, as his eyes slid down to my lips and back up again. Oh no, no, no. What the fuck is he thinking? I went to shake my head to tell him fuck no, when one of his hands rested on my cheek. I was panicking! I watched in slow motion as he leaned in. Freezing up again, I had no idea what to do. Electricity shot throughout my body as his lips met mine. I hadn't even realized until it was to late that I was kissing back. Leaning into him, I threw my arms around his neck. As I ran my fingers through his hair, he let out a soft groan, making me moan in his mouth.

"Fuck," Aiken quickly pushes off me, and is out of the room before I can even open my eyes.

What the fuck just happened?

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