Lava rocks

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You and sharkboy were going to meet up with lavagirl and Max at lavagirl's volcano it was a longer journey than when going to see the great white sharks. When you two finally made it the first thing you both saw was lavagirl and Max greeting you with big smiles but then their jaws dropped. You looked at them them then sharkboy his jaw dropped as well you then looked at your dress it was a devil dress Max was right and besides you were around a hot fiery landscape so that would explain it "Y/n you look beautiful " said sharkboy you smiled so did max but not lavagirl she looked angry. So you decided to avoid her so there wouldn't be any problem you guys were just looking at volcanoes until Max and sharkboy wondered off to go do something so it was just you and lavagirl alone you both talked for a while until she asked you something " Y/n would you like something to eat" you said yes because you were pretty hungry so she handed you black rocks. "What are these" you asked  "lava rocks" said lavagirl you were curious so you put one into your mouth they were crunchy and hard on your delicate teeth and they were pretty spicy and hot you then felt the need for water that's when you asked for some water but she then said " But Y/n the rocks would taste disgusting ". That's when sharkboy and Max came back and saw you struggling with swallowing the lava rocks that's when sharkboy took the rock out of your mouth and decided to take you home and get water you were fine after that but your mouth was still bothering you.

Sharkboy x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें