Chapter 4: Hand Touches

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Nathalie stood in the room where Adrien and Multimouse felt like mice caught in a trap.

"Mi-Miss. Sancouer." Multimouse got up to her feet, her face as pink as her suit, "I'm Multimouse. A m-member of Ladybug's team of superheroes."

"I can see that." Nathalie said with narrowed eyes as she came to approach the pair, "Though, I'm more curious of what brings you into the Agreste mansion, and I'm quite concerned by the fact that you didn't come through the front door." Her tone wasn't so welcoming anymore as she exchanged glances between the pair.

"Nathalie." Adrien started. Oh boy, he was in trouble, "There's nothing to worry about! She was just leaving anyways..."

"Y-yeah!" Multimouse said in agreement, "I only came here for directions t-to s-some place that I need to go to...for a mission! I'm kind of on a tight schedule, and I really wasn't planning to come here anyways. I was just passing by and I n-needed to ask him for help!"

"Exactly what I was going to say!" Adrien said smiling nervously at Nathalie. He knew she wasn't a fool.

Nathalie didn't look like she believed them. Not a bit. He was afraid of what she was going to say next.

"Very well, Miss." She said coldly, "you would be running late on your mission then. I suggest it's wise for you to leave."

"Um...yeah." Multimouse squeaked as she hurried to that open window. Before departing, she turned to face him, giving him a soft and guilty look (it really wasn't her fault), "Thanks for all your help, Mr. Agreste." She leapt away on her jump-rope.

Adrien shakily turned to face Nathalie, her cold and calm stare rested on him and it was wrecking his nerves.

"I'm not a fool, Adrien." Nathalie sighed, "your father won't be very happy."

"But Nathalie...I-I didn't do anything wrong. Superheroes do drop by civilians' houses if they need help sometimes." Adrien meekly protested.

"That's not what they should be doing. It is their job to protect civilians, not the other way around." Nathalie continued, "Also, are you implying that they've been more superheroes in here without my knowledge?"

"No!" Adrien yelped. It wasn't exactly a lie, "This was a first. She just needed some guidance."

"Cosying up with a superhero is now called guidance? Interesting." She quirked her brow a him.

"I wasn't cosying up with her!" Adrien shrieked, the tips of his of his ears red.

"Really, so you say, Adrien, that sitting on the same seat with your hands on her isn't intimate?" Nathalie said not-so-jokingly.

"It was a friendly gesture. That's all it was. I swear we were just talking."

"I believe you, Adrien." Nathalie said. She did? "Though, who knows if it could've been more than talking if I haven't come in."

"It wouldn't have." Adrien protested. They were just friends. He wasn't like that.

"You may believe that, Adrien. But your age is quite a complicated one, I've been there too, remember." Nathalie said, avoiding eye-contact. As a sense of nostalgia glistened in her eyes.

"I won't be telling your father about this." Adrien almost sighed in relief but...

"However," There it was, "I will make ensure that your schedule and security measures are strengthened. Like for example, those windows won't be open past 6pm. You won't be seeing anything through them."

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