Each and every member that resided in the Longbottom Manor had woken up to find themselves pranked. Well, everybody except Neville (because she wanted him to like her), Augusta Longbottom (because she reminded her too much of Aunt Cissa) and also Remus Lupin, mostly because it was a full moon the previous night and he wasn't present for her to prank.

Some of the residents had woken up with coloured skin, others found that they could only speak in animal noises. A few others found themselves craving unusual tastes, such as booger, dirt, rotten egg, earwax, vomit, earthworm and soap. (Thank you, Bertie Botts' Every Flavor Beans for the idea!)

Ronald Weasley found himself awaken to face an enlarged spider and only being able to say the words, "Gryffindor sucks, Slytherin rocks," the entire day.

Hermione Granger was put under the illusion that her room was flooded and that every piece of paper she saw had the words FAIL printed on them in red with a circled 'T' on top of the page.

When Ginny Weasley looked in the mirror after waking up, she found a seventy-year-old woman looking back at her, leading her to temporarily believe that she was in a coma or something and had just woken up old and had lost the prime of her life.

Albus Dumbledore found that all the sweets he ate had a spicy chilli taste.

George and Fred Weasley were put under a mild compulsion charm and fed a dilute love potion to make them believe they were in love with each other, much to the twin's horror.

Charlie Weasley woke up bald with reptilian scaly skin and huge, elephant ears. He all but cried for the loss of his hair.

Bill Weasley woke up looking like a goblin. He thought that it was some sort of a side-effect for working for the species for a long time and freaked out before remembering the older curse-breakers who definitely looked normal.

Mrs Weasley found herself waking up to look like Mr Weasley and vice-versa.

Alastor Moody was dressed like a run-way supermodel, complete with the makeup and hairstyle.

Like these few examples, many of them woke up in a similar state of mind. At one point, Neville had come downstairs and had sat beside Rose in the otherwise empty dining table. (Since everybody else was trying to figure out how to vanish their respective pranks. They all assumed it was Fred and George who did this and vowed that they would rue the day. Fred and George themselves thought that Ginny was the reason they were in this state and promised revenge on her. For some weird reason, none of them suspected a beautiful young girl who they all temporarily forgot was the daughter of two Marauders and was the honorary niece of another.)

Neville had taken one look at her smirking face and had sighed. "You pranked them all didn't you?"

Rose smiled in reply. "Would you tell on me?"

Neville faked a thoughtful look on his face. "No." He shrugged.

The two god-siblings then ate breakfast together, trading stories between bites. Neville was apparently very excited that she was interested in herbology (she didn't mean to brag, but she did help her m-Aunt Petunia maintain their award-winning garden) and was reciting fun facts to her. Rose, in turn, told him about the muggle world.

"So," Neville smirked. "Any boyfriends?"

Rose giggled. "Yes, but I could ask you the same thing. Any significant others?" She teased.

"I hope so," Neville revealed. "I fancy this girl- Hannah Abbot. Any ideas on how to go about that?"

Rose made a dramatic show of hands. "You have come to the right place, padawan. I, a girl, is an expert on knowing how other girls think." She said.

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