chapter 8

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Bakugo pov:

Izuku was by no means happy when we showed up at asylum, but to a degree stayed calm, well he stayed calm until he discovered his mother is dead.

Turns out while I was gone Inko was allowed to leave, but unfortunately on her was home or wherever she was going, Ochaco Uraraka was fighting a villain and a building started to fall apart she simply didn't have time to save her.

Izuku naturally didn't take well to the news and ended up killing a nurse and escaping so now there was a psychopath on the lose who was most likely going to go after Ochaco to avenge his mother's death


Strangely nothing happened for a few weeks, we tried to find him, we really did, but there was no trace of him, no kne ended up dead, Ochaco didn't report anything strange and she was still unless you count her being upset about not being able to save Inko, but this just shows Izuku didn't do anything to her yet.

The question remains on what he was planning to do now that he was free in a city with a lot more people than sn abandoned camp, it's possible he has been killing people and nothing was found yet, but that didn't help us know what he was doing

Turns out we didn't have to wait long.

Mineta was found dead this morning in U.A his body having been strung up at the entrance for everyone to see.

The school was obviously colsed after that until the matter was deatl with to insure the students wouldn't be hurt as a few heroes went to search the premises.

I would have joined them, but I was to busy with Inko's funeral to do much and Ochaco was currently trapped at home thanks to the media badgering her about Inko which didn't help with her guilt.

She was later found dead in her home and it was by no means merciful like with Mineta.

It was brutal and what was left of the corpse could hardly qualify as human, her head was caved in and it appeared she was missing the top part of her head, she was missing limbs which were scattered around her appartment and she was missing her organs after being cut open.

No one even knows how anyone could have gotten in since the media surrounded the building along with security who were all unharmed there was no way he could have gotten in, but he clearly managed

Next on the list was every hero who entered U.A, which was most of class 1-A at least he didn't drag out their murder the way he did with Ochaco, it was fast and effective they most likely didn't even have time to fight back

Unfortunately it made a twisted form of sense. He was angry and upset, he simply wanted revenge on the people he was blaming for his mother's death and possibly subconsciously his own since most of the kids including myself who directly caused his death bragged about being heroes when they grew up

Eventually I went to U.A hoping to find him being the only one left from U.A and the only hero willing to enter the building and shouting at them for bring cowards did little to persuade them

Once again he didn't outright kill me, but he wasn't as nice as before he glared at me, kept his distance and any attempt at getting closer was met with a swipe of a machete.

Talking to him was useless, I tried bringing up Inko and that suprisingly worked if only for a while before he went kill crazy and started to go after me

Magically I subdued him evrn if he was trying to kill me the entire time.

When people came to collect him they were terrified of him backing away at any movement he made and using a large amount of sedatives the moment they felt it was necessary so whenever he moved

He ended in the asylum which wasn't going to help, theg were going to keep him locked away and away from human contact, I was allowed to visit, but that did little as he only seemed to get pissed of, upset or he simply went completely still and watched me

All I knew was that he wasn't getting out any time soon and as much as I cared I honestly could be happier

He wasn't going to improve, he was going to kill again if he was let out and to be blunt I wanted him to suffer for what he did, I wanted to watch him rot in this cell as punishment for all the people he killed his only company being the person who put him here and his killer

I smiled as I sat in the chair in front of his cell

"Hello again Izuku."


I'm sorry if the ending sucked, but I thoughts it could be a good way to end once again sorry

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