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He woke up around three hours later which made the time about 3 or 4 AM. He sighed finally standing up his arm popping and, his leg. He glanced at Rumi and Fuyumi who we're both still sleeping together which made him smile softly. He couldn't really wash here since he had to change for work earlier. He opened the door quitetly locking it from the inside then closed it. He stretched his wings and, then began to take off though the air. He didn't fly fast since he didn't want to get dust or dirt in his eyes. He landed on a quite street with few people and, began to walk towards his house. The streets we're quite and, only few people we're out. Some kids who were just walking around, people setting up work, people just taking a walk. Nothing much at all really was there. After a while the quite mumbles of talking began to start as he sighed a little. Slowly he began to see his apartment in sight as he began to walk up the stairs. Those stairs that we're always pale white with a mix of rust and burn. It was a decent place few people lived in them and, they minded there own business. Thus he didn't get into theirs.

Finally he looked at his door and, began to unlock it with his keys. Closing the door behind him then locking it like always he was finally home. His wings twitched as he looked around something new was here. He looked around till he set eyes on the counter of his table. A small note taped on as he began to walk closer towards it. He looked around feeling the chill of cold wind from down the hall. He should really get that fixed but. He untaped the note with ease then smelled it softly. It was a mix of smoke and, blood with a hint of the smell of rose in it. He opened the note which simply read.

Little birdie. People are looking for you. There are rumors spreading of  that you are a "traitor". Have fun with that birdie.

He looked at the message again before  walking towards his room and, puting it in his closet. Now the media would most likely be on to him again. Asking questions and, then Villains? All that was happening was stress. He tapped his foot lightly as he began to get his suit ready for work. He placed it on the bed and, began to walk into the bathroom. He showered, threw up once or twice, then brushed his teeth getting out and, putting on his suit. It was around 5 which gave him 2 hours of free time. He walked outside locking his door, puting his keys in his pocket, and stretching his wings once again before taking off into the sky. Yeah work didn't start yet but- wait. He didn't eat dinner. Yeah he was just stressed today. Who cares he could order some food when he got off of work. Who cared. The rest of the day went on as normal. All untill towards the end of work someone came up to him. "Hawks are you aware of the rumors calling you a traitor?"Said someone. His wings twitched as he looked at him. "I'm not a traitor. I can assure you that."He said calmly with a smile. Afterwards taking off into the skies like always flying towards his apartments. At the same time he remembered his damn window. As he landed on the second floor misplacing his foot causing him to fall. He fell down with a slam hitting his head on the cement. "Shit.. that hurt."He grumbled standing up. He shook his head wiping off a small amount of blood from his gloves. He grabbed his keys as he saw his door and, began to unlock it. Like always closing the door behind him like he did every day. He threw them onto the couch as he began to grab the duct tape from his table. He slowly made his way to the broken window and, began to put the tape on it. Damn he needs to pay attention to Deatils. He stopped tapping it when he saw blood on the floor. He stopped for a second before putting the rest on quickly. He didn't change as went outside towards the window with the tape. He put the tape on the other side quickly and, then turned around looking at the ground. It was dry, old, dark, and didn't smell. Likely Dabi's. He wasn't going to ask how it was there but, then again. He didn't notice since he hadn't payed attention to Details of all things. He realized that he might need to be more protective of himself. Not that he already was but, still. Quickly he made his way inside reminding himself he should eat. He looked at his counter. All he really had was microwave food. Shit. He thought as he began to make a ramen. I mean. It was ramen. How could you fuck up ramen? Thankfully he didn't fuck up like last time. We don't talk about last time. Nevermind that he thought as he began to walk towards his couch with the ramen. He placed it down at he sat down on the black couch turning on the T.V and, putting on the news. Normal stuff as always. Are these heros dating? Is this person having a affair? This guy just made fun of this person! Is this hero gay- What. He glanced up from the ramen looking at the T.V. It was him from a interview a couple months ago. "Look I already have some guy who makes love with me at least twice a week." He said with a smirk. Jesus Christ. Lord God. Why did he say that? Why bring it up months later. I mean he wasn't lying then but, still. That's like calling Rumi lesbian- Wait. No she is. That's like calling Dr. Phil gay. You just don't. I mean they were right he was gay. But still. He growled softly as the news changed to about this guy who fell into a river. He slowly ate the rest of his ramen throwing it in the trash and, putting the fork in the dishes. ( Yes this man drank the juice from the cup. ) And sighed into the couch. Time moved slowly. Ever since then. Nothing would ever happen. Not now. Not ever. He sighed as he finally feel into a sleep without dreams like always.

It was a peaceful awakening. Nothing bad at all for once in his life. Thank God today he had the night shift. I mean even though it was more risky with the MLA (fuck writing the full name - me at 6:39 AM) wanting his head but, still. His wings twitched up as he fell back down onto the couch. God he didn't want to do anything but, he has to since he was a hero. Right?


od he wanted to stab someone right now but, then again who doesn't? If he could he would just point the middle finger in front of his boss and, leave. Could he? Note to self. Point middle finger in the face of you're boss. Anyways. He had to get up and at least wash off the sadness on himself. Honestly he wanted to just fall asleep right there and, die. Then he remembered somethin so important. He always loved the spring and, yes he was born during winter who cares? The spring was always lovely for him at least and, if was correct. His (their??) Child would be born in spring a lovely time. Finally he turned himself over with a groan standing up. Today was going to be a long day he thought as he grabbed his phone. His phone said there was a 82% chance of rain from 5PM to 2AM. Yep today was going to be horrible.

Wow where tf did I go? I honestly don't even know. Uh yeah oh and, it was my birthday lol. Anyways uh sorry about being gone and bye for now! ( I hate it when it rains at like 6AM )

1379 words

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