2. The Shadow Quartette Above Me

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If there's anything I am good at, it's writing, specifically known as 'communicating via words'. After giving much thought to this interest of mine, I have decided to become a journalist. Yes! I want to be a Journalist one day and finally I'll be able to transform my love for writing and communication to make a career out of telling everyman's life stories, here in my own country or anywhere else in the globe except Guatemala because ... well, let's say that's the last place on earth any journalist wants to go. NOT GUATEMALA! It's a Journalist's nightmare...

Why do I want to be a Journalist, you ask?

Most important characteristic of a Journalist is "to be curious" and I am very curious. I believe there is a reason for everything, nothing happens without a cause and I love to find the root cause behind everything.

Being a journalist fulfills my lifelong needs...

The need to affect the public good...
The need to disseminate information...
The need to shape the public perception and if possible,
The need to make a change in someone's life...

Yes, that's exactly what I want to do...
Nothing more...
Nothing less...

Therefore, in order to achieve my vision, I should excel in school and if possible try my best to secure a scholarship to fund my education and that's what I have been doing for the past 17 years of school.

Day and night I slogged!
Study hard, study smart, name it I have done it because I love it and nothing will stop me from climbing my way up to reach my ambition to become a Journalist. Surprisingly, studying wasn't very hard for me, though the competition was tough but I excelled and scored pretty well making my parents proud.

Having said all these about me, there's something else too that's hidden from the naked eyes. I have a world within me that's full of dreams and fantasies that I don't share with anyone, well I used to but not anymore. Sometimes I wonder if those who claim to know me, really knows me.


Yes, my dearest Competitively-Challenging-Yet-Beautiful-World, apart from the love of writing away stories with my dainty fingers, I have a passion in Art, more precisely Performing Arts.

My feet have a way to write too...on the floor
My feet have a way to tell stories too...through dance

There you go, caught me red handed or shall I say red legged?

True, you are right.

I am a dancer and I am good at it. No! Scratch that. I am GREAT at it.

I want to be a Journalist as much as I want to dance... but just like every other small town middle class parents, mine told me that dancing won't bring food to my table, proper education will. So the 'dance' had to dance its way to a dark secret place called, deep in my heart and lock itself there.

I hope my parents; especially my Amma understands that my passion for dance isn't to bring food on table, its food for soul. However, just like every other obedient girl, I listened to my parents and studied hard to excel in the other thing I'm good at but wished I could excel in something I love.

Journalism is something I want to do for the world at large, bring them the news, show them the reality, and be a whistle blower. Dancing however, on the other hand is something I want to do for myself, it helps me to recover the energy in me, it rejuvenate my inner aura and it's like food for soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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