" Impressive! I see you have some control of your powers, and if I guess correctly, you've got Scarlet Witches abilities," Agent Wilson's smile makes your skin crawl.

" Yes."

" Great, see isn't it better to cooperate?" The silver disc hovers in the air, a guillotine waiting to strike. Your teeth clench.

" What do you want?" you hiss.

" Your name," Agent Wilson starts scribbling in his notepad, head down.

" Y/N."

" Great, Y/N. So, I don't know if you've seen " Storm" in the news lately?"

Your chin jerks in a curt nod.

" So you know she has abilities, like you and myself. I'm going to get to the point, because I've seen the camera footage from 5 Sawyers and I know you both witnessed Paul Sanderson wield the ability of fire aka the "Human Torch" abilities. What we also saw in the footage, was you wielding Scarlet Witch abilities. Luckily Mr Holland has a very recognizable face and we were able to find you promptly," He winks at Tom. Tom's mouth twists in anger. " So what does this all have to do with you? The American Government and other governments around the world were first alerted to this issue when Sarah Winters became Storm. We got our real first lead when a John Romita SR a writer for Marvel Comics, contacted us and told us this fantastical story about him, Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby, Gene Conlan and Stan Lee. He said that they are actually refugees from a different universe..." Agent Wilson pauses and stares at you trying to gauge your reaction. You remain motionless, glaring at him. " So, he said they made a pretty buck over here by writing about actual people that exist in their universe. People who have powers." Again, he pauses, " Apparently they made up different names for them when they wrote them in the comics, because-here's the funny bit. The people from their universe have the same names in ours," He throws up his hands with a chuckle, " So they have to make up names for these characters, because of that. But how did they even get here in the first place? Now this is where you come in." Wilson points his pen at you, your fists clench as you try to keep your anger at bay. " He said that your grandmother, from their universe transported them here because the alternate versions of themselves in this universe had either died, or didn't exist to begin with, so it was safe for them to live here. Why were they running away in the first place? Because they were one of the few humans who didn't have abilities, and apparently the world they lived in was too dangerous for them, so your grandmother helped them escape into this universe. Apparently, it took her a long time to find a universe that was safe for them, she couldn't send them to ones where they were all alive because they would get absorbed by their alternate selves, so she chose this one."

You gulp, realization hitting you like a train. That's why Scarlet Witch was confused about why her universe was written as a successful comic and movie franchise, it was because the writers were refugees from her universe, saved by her grandma.

" John says that people from his universe are getting absorbed into this one, which is why we're seeing people with powers popping up all over the place. Luckily, the Marvel Comics are a wealth of information on the abilities and the people who wield them. All the villains they wrote, are actual bad guys apparently, so we know to watch out for them... Now, what John was concerned about and what we're concerned about it, is if these villains get absorbed into their alternate selves, they might create trouble in our world. He also thinks the Marvel Universe won't take kindly to people disappearing either and might retaliate. The good news is, apparently there's no one strong enough from their end who can open a portal into this world just yet. There's a few individuals, but apparently they're hard to reach. Apparently, your grandma was the last known person who could open a portal between universes. John said he also knew your mother and said she was powerful but never as powerful as your grandma. Apparently the strength of your particular abilities skip a generation," He pauses, eyeing you for a reaction, you're as still as an iceberg. " So that would mean, you're one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, and you have the ability to stop this," His teeth bare in an ugly grin. " So what do you know about these people getting absorbed into our universe and how are you going to stop it?"

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