n i n e t y .

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   "Jesus fucking christ!" Jimin shouted, rushing towards one of the lobby's columns as bullets began to cascade as holes in the walls. "Not even a warning? Can you learn to communicate for once?!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes and pulled the trigger of his pistol before moving to the opposite column of Jimin. "Calm down, it's only seven guards down here."

Taehyung walked straight into the line of fire. Lifting his rifle and pressing index finger on the trigger as each guard attempts to leave their positions behind the columns by the entrance. "Let's clear most of them out here."

"Are you crazy?!" Jimin says, gasping in shock.

"We'll get swarmed," Yoongi says, standing up from his position. "That's not a good idea."

Taehyung shot the last guard in seconds, and seven bodies dropped to the floor. "We'll get suffocated on the upper floors. This is the biggest space we're going to get, so use it. We'll clear most of them out here, and finish the rest when we get to the main floor."

"... Right..." Yoongi trailed off, leaning against the front desk.

Taehyung scoffed, snapping his fingers to get both men's attention. They dart their eyes to him, and he narrows his eyes like they were made of flames. "Listen to the genius, alright? Dumbasses-"


"So what about the elevator?" Yoongi ignores his insult, and turns to Taehyung.

"I'll leave you two to it."

"Wait, you're not going by yourself," Jimin shakes his head, "Like you said, you'll be suffocated. We can't clean an entire syndicate we just two people, not even three! But I'm going to need all three of us to stay together..."

"What happened to respecting his decision?" Yoongi mocks the other, rolling his eyes again and sighing. "Just get in the elevator- why is it closed?"

All three of them looked over at the sound of the elevator dinging. The electric sign above it had an red arrow indicating it was going down to the lobby.

"They're coming," Jimin says, backing away from the elevator and rushing to a further column for cover. "Get ready-"

"Just shoot them when the elevator opens," Yoongi says, "Smartass."

"If you both keep insulting me, I'm going to fucking drive off," Jimin hisses, glaring at the two. "I should be the one irritated here."

"Open wide," Taehyung smoothly walks over to the
elevator doors, cockily in fact. He tilts his head with low eyes as the elevator door opens. The sound of a final ding revealed an elevator full of women. They were stunned before they began to lift their guns.

"Ladies," He says almost flirtatiously before lifting his service rifle once more. He pulls the trigger tight, "Let me take you out~"

"... He's gone insane," Yoongi murmurs to Jimin, standing behind the desk for safety. "Is he like this all the time-"

"No... No, he's not," Jimin says slowly, "... He never follows his men during the missions. He doesn't like doing his own dirty work unless it's important. I rarely see him like this-"

"I said conserve your bullets!" Yoongi shouts angrily. "You're using full auto! They're dead already."

The elevator was full of bodies in seconds, it was unable to close due to a bloody hand stoping it from closing shut. "... That's not full auto," Taehyung sighs, turning back to Yoongi. "This is."

He lets loose on the lobby's ceiling. Holding his finger down for continuous empty shells to fall on the floor after every shot. "Okay, okay! I get it," Yoongi exclaims, "Stop wasting them! You've made your point."

jangmi (장미) ● taejoonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang