f i f t y e i g h t .

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Taehyung watched the facade mask being placed over Namjoon's expression once Jangmi got in the car. The man's somber face took a deep breath before car door opened and gave the little girl a big welcoming hug.

Jangmi sat in the middle of the back seat, between the two men, Taehyung leaning over to put on her seatbelt. Bennie began driving.

"Where are we going?" Jangmi asked Bennie, placing her backpack down and swinging her legs in excitement because her daddy came to pick her up.

"... To the beach," Taehyung answers instead, "We're going to teach you how to swim.."

"Really?" Jangmi gasped. "I wanna! Are you gonna teach me, papa? Are you? Are you?"

Taehyung glances over, placing a hand on her head and gently patting. "... Yes I am, Namjoon and I will. I need you to learn how to swim just in case something happens to you when no adults are around to see you, okay? It's for your safety."

"Are we gonna see crabs?" Jangmi asks, "I wanna see a crab! Big bright red ones with the biggest claws! They look funny, and they walk funny too!"

"... Find one and we might just have it for dinner," Taehyung hums.

"No! No!" Jangmi shakes her head furiously, "We're not eating it! Crabs are friends, daddy said so!"

Taehyung looked over at Namjoon, who was back to being mute. His eyes wandering out the window, seeming to space out. "... Really now? What else did he say?"

"Crabs have families and a lot of people take them away from their homes," Jangmi rambles, "If-If we take mommy and daddy crabs away, the baby crabs are gonna be by themselves. They have homes! The babies crabs will cry if their mommy and daddy don't come home, I-I don't want them to be lonely."

Taehyung looked down at the little girl before grabbing her small and into his. "... Alright, fine. No crab dinner. Don't get to excited either, we're only staying for a couple hours. I don't want us to stay out so late, it's not safe for you. We'll be home by bedtime, and Namjoon can tuck you back into bed again."

For the first time, Jangmi didn't pull away. "... Is daddy okay?" She whispers to her papa, "He looks sad, and he's never sad. Papa, did you do something?"

"No, no," Taehyung shakes his head, "... Daddy is just a little tired, that's all."

Jangmi giggled. "You called him daddy! Does that mean he'll stay with us now?"

"No more questions," Taehyung hums, "Why don't you think about which color you want for a swimsuit since we're on our way there."

Jangmi nodded in reply, swaying her legs as she hummed to the song on the radio. Taehyung kept glancing at Namjoon, somewhat hoping he'd at least mutter a word to him or to Jangmi - but nothing comes out of him.

He just stares out the window, out of reality. His shoulders slouched, his hands on his lap. Taehyung leans over the little girl, his hand gentle as he brushes the strands of loose hair away from Namjoon's face, and tucking it behind his ear.

Of course, Namjoon flinches at the sudden warmth. Looking over at Taehyung, who doesn't speak.

He could feel the man's hand cup his cheek, and his thumb grazing the heart shaped scar over his skin ever so slightly. Taehyung pulls away, taking his hand back and sighing softly.

"... Bennie," Taehyung calls out.

"Yes, boss?" He looks at the mirror to make eye contact.

"... Change of plans," Taehyung says,

"... Tell the maids we'll be out for dinner tonight too."


jangmi (장미) ● taejoonWhere stories live. Discover now