e i g h t y n i n e .

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   "... We can't face an entire syndicate by ourselves," Jimin hesitates, stopping the van right by the entrance of the lobby. "We should go by the back-"

"No," Taehyung says, "We don't know this place floor by floor, there's no point in sneaking in. "Kill whoever gets in the way-"

"Those are birdy's women!" Jimin snaps back, looking at Taehyung bewilderedly. "We're here for your daughter, let's just leave Birdy's people alone and focus on Moon."

"Birdy is dead," Taehyung's voice lowers as he narrows his eyes towards the other. "They're protecting a dead woman, Jimin. You know Moon is going to twist her words and make them point their guns at us, so there's no point. She might have done it already."

"Here, they're loaded," Yoongi spoke up, passing a pistol and semi-automatic to Jimin. "Conserve your bullets, if you need another cartridge, shout my name."

Then, he passes a revolver and service rifle to Taehyung. "I got a bandolier for you," Yoongi says, handing him the straps of bullets, "Like I said conserve and shout if you run out."

"Wait, how come he gets one?" Jimin asks, placing the pistol into the waistband of his pants.

"Yours takes forever to refill one by one," Yoongi says, "Don't worry, I have five other cartridges for us, but that doesn't mean to go crazy with whatever the fuck guys shoot."

"What about you?" Taehyung asks.

"I got another pistol and a shotgun," Yoongi replies, "Namjoon made sure each van was prepped with emergency bulletproof vests. They're handmade, so it won't hundred percent save you from a bullet, but it gives you more time before you bleed out."

"Jesus Christ," Jimin sighed, "Just-Just give me one."

"There's only two, vans always carry seven, but they usually break after a while," Yoongi says, "Not all our men are good shots-"

"You wear it," Taehyung says, "A shotgun isn't-"

"I know how to work a shotgun," Yoongi exclaims, "Jjang taught me. A bullet can knock out three people if you use it properly."

"Wear it, Yoongi," Taehyung demands, "I can handle myself."

Yoongi scoffed before passing one vest towards Jimin, and strapping himself into one. "Alright, let's go then."

All three men exited the van, lowering their guns and walking into the lobby. Many of the guards tensed their stance as they examined the men. The receptionist looked up before standing. "... M-Mr. Kim! I'm sorry but there's no-no weapons in the building, please!"

"Where's Moon?" Taehyung walks to the desk, propping his elbows up onto it casually. "I know you ladies have her here somewhere."

The woman looked at the men's equipment before swallowing hard. "... I can call the main complex for you, what's the reason?"

"She's with Birdy?"

The woman nodded slowly and Taehyung removed himself from the desk. "... Thank you," Taehyung says, walking towards the elevator.

"W-Wait you can't go up there without a notice-"

A shot erupted.

"Here's my notice," Taehyung glared fiercely, snapping as he held the smoking revolver in his hand. As soon as he turned his back, her body dropped with blood splatter on the wall. He shot the receptionist.

Taehyung pressed the elevator door.

"... Playtime, boys."


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