Drunk Twins and Bad Dreams

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'Ugh! Why the hell does my head hurt so bad?'  I woke up with a groan, trying to lift my head up, only to feel it gently pushed back down by a gentle gloved hand. "What's going o-" I cut myself off, feeling the overwhelming need to immediately regurgitate everything in my stomach. I started to gag, and sensed something be brought up to my face. I gagged again, jerking my head up, and felt myself hurl all over the place. 

A couple minutes later, I had finally stopped, feeling like I had nothing left inside me, it was a weird feeling. I laid my head back down, and started to feel the tears flood my eyes. 

A soft hand, now ungloved, wiped the tears away, and I felt myself instantly get cleaned up, most likely by some sort of magic. I moved around a bit, I must have been on a sofa in one of the main rooms, and tried to push my body up, to sit up. I weakly sat up, wincing as the pain in my head began to get worse. I brought a hand to my face, I felt... a bandage, a bandage over my eyes. I started to panic, my first natural reaction being to try to take it off. I tried to find the start of the cotton wrap-round, but my fingers were too shaky to find it.

I felt a hand touch my own, and bring it down to my lap. "Shh, you're okay, Mistress. Don't take it off, not yet."

'Ah, Will.'

"Wh-where am I? What's happening? Why is there a bandage on my head?" I blurted out.

"You're in the mansion, Mistress, Master Mason found you, you had hit your head."

"H-hang on... hit my head? How? I don't, I don't remember anything..."

"You came too close to the barrier, Miss, and you were forced, by the enchantment around the town, to pass out. It's like a protection method, for those on the outside and on the inside, Miss. Weirdness is kept inside."

"But I'm not part of any... err... weirdness, and, if that's true, then how did I manage to get into here all these times before, when I used to visit?"

"I'm not really sure Mistress, I guess it's just how it is. I guess you're just part of the 'weirdness' now Miss, like all of us are." I could sense his small smile at the end.

I nodded, "Alright, but please, can I take this bandage off now?"

"Hmm, let me see, if, it it's not too bad, then perhaps, yes, we could take it off Miss." He carefully unwrapped some of the bandages, and examined my head. The right side of my face, on my forehead, had a small gash. It had been cleaned, and sterilised, and was no longer bleeding. "I can take it off all the way if you'd like Mistress, but you will still need to have some sort of plaster over it." I nodded, and just let him do what he needed to do.

Five minutes later, he had completely cleaned up the wound again, and had put a large gauze patch over the area. It didn't exactly look... nice, but it would still keep my wound clean, so I didn't complain about it so much. I looked down at Will, after thanking him a few times, and felt bad for him. "Hey, tell you what, will you help me into the kitchen?" I asked. His head shot up, and he nodded with a smile. "Good, thank you Will." I said, returning the smile as best I could without wincing in pain.

He gently held onto my waist, guiding me to the kitchen. I limped over to the cupboard, and asked him to wait over by the table and sit down. He protested, "B-but Mistress, wh-whatever it is, I-I'll do it. P-please, let me d-do th-"

"William, please, I am fine. Please just sit down." I said, waving him off with my hand. He sighed, and, giving up, went to go sit down at the table.

I pulled out a blue box from the cupboard, and shoved something into the toaster. I looked back over at William, he was laying his head down on the table with his eyes closed, just idly looking around the other side of the room. I chuckled softly to myself, and waited for whatever was in the toaster to finish. I heard William jump as the toaster went off, and waited for him to lay his head back down, before putting the things from the toaster, onto a plate, before carrying them over to the table.

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