I'm not THAT old...

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I looked at the grand table, stretching out far across the room. It was a polished wooden dining table, with gold and silver running across like silk along the tops and sides, it was stunning. I dragged my eyes away from the perfection, and walked over to a seat in between where Mabel was, and where Mason was going to sit. I stood up and kept my head down. Silence filled the room for a whole two minutes, until Mason walked in silently, with five plates balanced perfectly in his hands. He set them down, and took his place to next to me. Us three kept our heads down and remained quiet, not daring to say anything. A gruff voice came from the end of the table,

"You may sit."

"Yes, sir." We said in unison, and sat down.

"Alright, go ahead." said the voice. Suddenly, the silence broke and everyone tucked in. Well, Ford, Stanley and Mason did, me and Mabel just picked around the burned bits of meat. Mason started talking to Stanley, and me and Mabel chatted for a while, the atmosphere was great, even though sadly the same could not be said for whatever poor animal had been burned to a crisp by Mason. Stanford looked up from his plate, he looked me over. "I'm so glad that you can finally come and be a part of our little family, dear." I smiled at him.

I had always liked Ford, though he was always sitting up in that lab of his. I used to help him, when it wasn't too dangerous, to test out his crazy ideas and stuff, it was quite fun really. His brother, on the other hand, wasn't so friendly towards any of us, but he was still nice I suppose, when he wanted to be at least. Well, he was nice to me when I got him money- he was obsessed with the twins' show.

I did use to help out in the show, but I was more of just a novelty. I would go around town offering tickets, and then, at the actual show, I used to walk around the audience looking cute and showing off a few basic magic tricks that Mason had taught me, to reel in the money. There was stuff in it for me too I suppose, I got to watch my brother and sister, and I used to get given gifts from the audience, like lollies and sweets.

Stanley decided to speak to me, breaking me out of my thoughts, "So, Mary,"

"Uh, please sir , just call me Nyx. A nickname I picked up,  when I was little."

"Nyx, huh? That'd do nicely for the show, you know." He chuckled to himself for a moment. "So, have you any idea what you're going to do for the show yet."

I shook my head, "No, sir."

"Well, we're going to find out tomorrow. Meet me at 10 o'clock sharp, tomorrow morning. Mason and Mabel will need to come along too. We'll need to test your levels, so I can decide where to put you. The twins can come just in case you need a bit of help, say... controlling yourself."

I gulped silently, what did he mean by, "controlling myself"? I decided to just nod and finish picking at my food. I would ask the twins about it later.

About five minutes of light chit-chat later, Stanford stood up the end of the table. We all stood up and waited. "You may all go, but Nyx, you stay here."

I nodded, staying quiet, and waited for everyone else to shuffle out of the room.

"Sir, did I do something wro-"

"Call me Ford, or Great Uncle, either one. Away with the formalities, please. And, no, of course, you're not in trouble."

I just nodded again.

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