Why Does It Hurt To Breathe

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(You know the drill, play the song Beans)

Loki's pov

**One week later**

Would someone please shut that sound off?

What is that sound? Where am I? What's the last thing I did... Singing! Someone sang to me. Mind control? I was mind controled... Yeah... Then someone got me out of it. Who was it? A kid, umm she was a girl... had pretty seider. Ummm nature and a song! That's right.

So where am I? My breathing speeds up. Where am I? I'm not with Thanos.... right? The being starts to go crazy.

Beep..Beep..Beep, Beep, Beep.

Where's my brother? Brother? Mother? Fa-- no. He's not my father. He never was. Is that Tha-

Thanos? It's Thanos here? Am I with him?


I hear pounding footsteps. Thor? Is that you brother?

"Brother? What's wrong? Healer, why is the beeping nose going so crazy?"
I feel Thor grab my hand.

The healer speaks up. "That's his heart rate. You need to calm him down."

I hear two more footsteps. "Uncle Thor, is he okay?" I hear them ask.

That's those twins! So I'm not with... I'm here, with my brother. In Midgard. I'm safe.

Beep..Beep... Beep...Beep....Beep.

I fall back into unconsciousness.

**A couple hours later**

I hear people talking quietly above me.

"Brother? Please wake up soon. I love you."

I squeeze Thor's hand and he jerks up.

"Loki? Brother, are you awake now?"

My eyes flutter open.

"Hello brother." I whisper.

A healer comes in and starts talking to Thor. "I'm going to take his breathing mask off." He takes something off my face and puts something on the top of my lip right beneath my nose.

"This will help you breath, so please don't yank it off."
I nod tiredly.

A nurse comes in with some frozen water...ummm ice! I keep forgetting the words for things. He hands me the cup with the ice in it. "Here you go Mr Loki. Can you eat this by yourself?"

I nod. It hurts to talk right now. My throat is very dry. He hands me the cup and a spoon. I eat the ice chip. I look up at Thor.

"Thank you." My eyes flutter and I fall back asleep. Thor grabs my plastic cup before it can fall.

I look around. Where am I? I see a red space matter bomb and push Lady Jane behind me on the ground. I try to run away, only for the bomb to grab me. I get pulled up higher and higher. I start to get squeezed to death. I gasp for breath. It's so tight!

Something pushes me through the air.
I land beside Thor with my dagger, gasping for breath.

He looks at me and we both stand up to face the dark elves.

Thor flies off to fight the big one. I shake my head. What a stupid oaf.
He gets pushed back and stands up to start to fight. He gets beaten back by the defiler and manages to get a few hits in before he's thrown about twenty feet.

I get surrounded by a couple dark elves. I sigh and hold my daggers out. As I'm fighting them I hear a big thud. I hope that was the defiler and not you brother. I spin around and slash another dark elves neck.

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