Incoming call

306 13 7

(You know the drill)

Steve's pov

"Incoming call from boss."

I lean forward. "Answer it please Jarvis."

Tony pops up on the screen. "Steve? Oh good, is Echo there?"

"Yeah. Why?"

He lets out a relieved sigh. "Good. Nat's bug wasn't working and Jarvis kept glitching. Which was weird since I made him." There's a yell from of the screen. Tony looks over.
"Oh yeah, there's a big portal outside and Thor says the aliens will be here soon. We can't wake Loki up to ask him, but we think the staff that reindeer games used can close it."

There's a scream from off screen.

"Never mind!" Tony yells. The screen glitches. He looks back at me. "Get the kid and come help. The aliens are here." The screen glitches. "Hurry!"

The screen shuts off. I sit there for a minute, stunned.

I jump up and grab my shield, wiping off the remaining cookie crumbs. I look around for the kid.

"Jarvis, where's Echo?"

Jarvis shows me the way. I run into the room she's in and look around.
"Are you sure Jarvis? I don't see--"
I stop, there she is. Aww, she's so cute when she's sleeping!

"Jarvis, take a picture please."
"Already done sir. Would you like me to send it to the avengers?"
"Yes that would be great. Thank you Jarvis."
"Not a problem sir."

I reach down to wake her up. "Ech--"
Echo jerks awake and starts murmering to herself. I strain to hear, but even with superhuman hearing I can't hear it. I'm very concerned for her.

"Kid, are you okay?"
"Yeah, it's just..."
I tilt my head. "Just what?"
She takes a step breath. "It's a sad song."

I'm really confused now. "A sad song? Like your echos? Is that a bad thing?"

She nods slightly and cuddles up more in the blankets. "I've only ever heard a sad song like this once."

"When was that?"
"When my first friend, I practically grew up with him. He died. His name was Groot. I asked nature to let him fly and they did. He turned into little lights that looked like fireflies and blew up into space. He always did love nature. He wanted to be a tree."

I nod grimly. "People are going to die aren't they kid."
"Yes." she whispers. "But I'm going to try to help them not die. I'll do my best. And please... Don't tell my brother. He'll try to help me and I don't want him to get hurt."

I look at her grimly. "I won't. Let's go kid. Tony needs our help."

She jumps up and slides some combat boots on her feet. She puts her shoulder length hair up in a bun and puts on a Kevlar vest. She puts on a belt with two daggers in them. "Let's go Uncle Steve."

We run to the roof and I see aliens everywhere. "Wow. They were right. Aliens actually are real..."

"Uncle Steeb, I'm gonna go help people on the street get to safety. Be safe!" She hugs me and waves goodbye.

My eyebrows wrinkle in confusion. "Uncle Steeb? And there's no way to get off a ro-- No! Echo don't you---"

I lost the kid. The kid jumped off the roof. Tony is going to kill me. I'm dead. I run to the side of the roof and see a walkway made of vines going down the building. I sigh in relief and jump on it.

Soon I'm on the ground but I still don't see the kid. I lost the kid. Crap. An alien rushes towards me and I hit it with my shield. Whoa there's aliens everywhere. I wasn't ready for this! I'm to old for this. I was frozen for SEVENTY YEARS! Give me a break would ya?

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