The Clone Wars Heroes

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Coming out of hyperspace, the shuttle starts to descend down to the crystal city of Christophsis, flying over the scorched battlefield with destroyed battle droids and fallen clone troopers scattered around the area.

Inside the shuttle, Y/N sat in the center with his legs crossed and eyes closed, his back straight as his breathing became calm and natural, the boy inhales through his nose making his chest puff out slightly, holding in the breath as various lightsaber pieces hovered in from of him, slowly forming together with the Kyber Crystal with a special mount that would contain the delicate blue crystal.

Ahsoka watched on in awe, witnessing Y/N rebuild his entire lightsaber with the Force through meditation, Master Yoda always told them that meditating helped a Force user to become one with their surroundings. Through patience, a Jedi could learn incredible abilities like the great Jedi of the past. Sadly, this was something Ahsoka didn't have unlike Y/N.

Reattaching the primary and secondary grips to each other and sealing them close, creating a slight hissing sound, the lightsaber then ignites, creating a light blue hue that light up the dark surroundings of the ship. Y/N opens his eyes and a small smile appears on his face, grabbing the hilt and stands up while holding his weapon close.

"How you have the patience, I will never know." Ahsoka speaks up, Y/N shrugs and turns to his friend.

"Well that's one reason why I was assigned to Master Kenobi, and you to Master Skywalker." Y/N counters and deactivates his lightsaber. Just then, a red light filled the ship, signalling for their arrival.

"Guess it's time." Ahsoka says softly standing up and walks up next to Y/N, both Padawans hear the ship's engines power down as they slowly descend to the ground, landing softy.

The hanger door opens as both Jedi Padawans walk down the ramp and approach the two Jedi warriors before them, a bearded Jedi Master and a taller Jedi Knight beside him with a battalion of clones behind them, blasters ready for any surprise attacks. The two Padawans take in the surroundings of the battle that just passed, noticing the smell of blaster fire smoke and burning debris nearby before turning their attention to them.

"Younglings?" The bearded Jedi says surprised.

"And who are you supposed to be?" The Jedi beside him asks as a blue astromech on his left chirps cheerfully.

"I'm Ahsoka, we're were sent here by Master Yoda." Ahsoka informs the Jedi warriors.

"And you?"

"My name is Y/N, it's a great honor to meet you both Master Kenboi, Master Skywalker." Y/N then makes a respected bow to them and stands tall once more.

"Introductions aside. What did Master Yoda send you both here for?" Anakin asks them.

"We were told that you both just get back to the Jedi Temple. There's an emergency." Ahsoka explains.

"Well I don't know if you noticed, but we're in a bit of an emergency right here." Anakin tells them in a more directing tone.

"Yes, our communications have been a bit unreliable but we've been calling for help." Obi-Wan explains more being more calming.

"Master Yoda hadn't heard from you both so he told us to deliver the message." Ahsoka explains as Anakin sighs and walks away from them.

"Oh great, they don't even know we're in trouble." Anakin exclaims and crosses his arms, moping.

"Perhaps Master Skywalker, you could try to relay a signal through the cruiser that dropped us off? It might be able to reach them." Y/N suggests. Both Anakin and Obi-Wan look at the Padawan, impressed.

"Not a bad idea, kid." Anakin says smirking then starts walking to a control panel. "Come on then." He tells the others which follow him back.


Meanwhile, up in space, a second battle raged out as Republic and Seperatist fighters struggled to push the other back into retreating. A Venator class Republic Star Destroyer was being under constant bombardment by three Seperatist warheads.

Admiral Wulff Yularen stood at the bridge overlooking the battle, worry plastered on his face as the Star Destroyer took another blast from the enemy.

"We need to go back and pick up our reinforcements. We got to get out of here!" Yularen orders as three Republic fighters fly by as a group. Commander Wolff meanwhile stands by a control panel and manages to get through to the Jedi down on the planet.

"We're under attack by Seperatist warheads." Wolff explains. "But I'll try to make contact to the Jedi Temple for you. Stand by." He says standing at bay before pressing a button, ending the call and transferring it to the Jedi Temple.


Down on the planet, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and the Padawans all stood around the control panel as R2-D2 soon joined them next to Y/N, the five of them remained silent as the control panel started beeping, meaning that they were put on hold. The two Jedi masters exchange glances at each other, then over to Y/N and Ahsoka, standing at opposite ends of the Jedis waiting anxiously before finally, a hologram of Master Yoda appeared before them.

"Master Kenobi. Glad Ahsoka and Y/N found you, I am." Yoda tells him.

"Master Yoda. We are trapped here and vastly outnumbered," Obi-Wan explains. "we are in no position to go anywhere or do anything. Our support ships have all been destroyed."

"Send reinforments to you, we will--" Suddenly, the hologram started to waver and freeze up before it disappears. Their transmission was lost.

"Master Yoda? Master Yoda!" Obi-Wan calls out but it was no good.  Just then, Commander Wolff appeared instead.

"We lost transmission, sir." Wolff explains before another Republic officer and a clone trooper enter, trying to remain standing after their ship took another blast.

"We have to leave orbit immediately." He explains and turns to the Jedi on the hologram. "We'll get back to you as soon as we can." He then terminates the line as Anakin sighs.

"Well I guess we have to hold out a little longer then." Anakin says sarcastically as Ahsoka frowns with worry. Obi-Wan notices this and turns his full attention on the padawans.

"My apologies, young ones. It's time for a proper introduction." Obi-Wan says approaching them.

"We're the new padawan learners, I'm Ahsoka Tano." Ahsoka introduces as they turn their attention to Y/N.

"My name is Y/N L/N." Y/N says bowing again in respect.

"I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, your new master." Obi-Wan says as the two Padawans looks at each other then look back, Y/N chuckles slightly and rubs his arm. "Yeah, about that...." Y/N says looking up at the two Jedi.

"What is it?" Obi-Wan asks him.

"You see, master. I was actually assigned as your padawan." Y/N explains then looks at Anakin.

"And I've been assigned to Master Skywalker." Ahsoka says pointing at a now shocked Anakin.


I'm slowly getting back into it, still looking for the right words to write but practice makes perfect.

Anyway, thank you all for 300, and 3, followers! I hope you enjoyed the chapter, more to come soon. And remember, the Force will be with you. Always.

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