Chapter 1: Dinner

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From the pantry, Momo could hear her classmates talking and occasionally laughing from the living room. Everyone had been exhausted with training and on top of that, Mr. Aizawa was acting exceptionally strict today.

The girls even suspected that he was annoyed with Ms. Joke's marriage proposals.

Momo was making lavender tea that she brought from her house. It was her small gesture of celebrating her friends since they all loved it. 

Sero called her tea classic.

As she was done, Momo carried a tray with mugs of hot tea. The boys were all gathered on the couch and the girls at the table. Mina pulled up another chair to fit the five girls. Momo bowed down to put the tray on the coffee table.

She suspected that Mineta stared at her buttocks as Kirishima brought a fist onto his perverted head. 

Immediately, everyone grabbed their mugs and inhaled the smell of lavender tea. 

Kirishima exclaimed before chugging down his mug. "Yao-momo! This smells great! Thanks a bunch!"

A few of them nodded and copied Kirishima's action. As Sero was done, he asked, "By the way Momo, I heard you got full marks for the English quiz today. Is that true?"

Momo didn't answer. She just smiled. 

"I thought I was doing great. My marks were lower than half," Sato complained. Acting like the mom-like Momo, she offered to help the others study later. The boys held their mugs high to celebrate Momo and finished the drinks. 

With the boys' voice conquering the silence, Mina shrieked from the dining table. "Yo, boys. Perhaps you can stop hogging Yao-momo for yourselves?"

Putting the tray behind Momo's back, she giggled. 

Kaminari turned his head towards the girls and said, "it's not our fault she likes us more than you lots."

"We have matters to discuss," Jirou replied. 

"It's not my fault Yao-momo wants to talk to me."

"Do you think she'll be interested to hear about sweat and the last time you washed your clothes? I don't think so," Jirou hissed and stuck her tongue out. 

Kaminari repeated her actions and threatened Jirou that he was not going to charge her phones in class. 

Kirishima, who had been watching those two closely, announced, "there's never a day without Kaminari and Jirou fighting."

The other boys celebrated the statement with laughter without realizing Momo was back in the kitchen. She poured tea in five more mugs and brought the tray to the girls' table. 

As she was walking, she realized that Shoto was sitting alone at the other table. His back was facing the girls. In her thoughts, Momo realized that Iida was gone to the hospital to visit his brother and All Might was here earlier to see Midoriya and Bakugo.

Her heart grew soft. Shoto could have joined the other boys, but he was only comfortable with some of their classmates.

Once the girls saw her, Mina gestured for Momo to lower her head and hear their whispers. With her tongue, Tsu pulled up another chair for Momo to sit down. She couldn't get her eyes off Shoto. 

One thing that Momo learned as she grew up is that nobody liked to be alone. Those who claimed they liked isolation had been left lonely to the point they got used to it. Momo shook her head and took two mugs, hers and Shoto's.

"Sorry, girls. I have to excuse myself for a while," Momo said without taking her eyes away from Shoto. That red and white hair was locked in her sight.

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