Chapter 1: Just us, the "weird emo kids"

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Gerard's POV:

I check my texts, reading the messages in the group chat before doing my eyeshadow. I brush my hair and pull on a band T-shirt. It is going to be another Monday at hell. Well, hell isn't as horrible as it used to be but it still sucks. 

I walk downstairs and leave the house before I can face anyone. I like leaving early just so I can chill with my friends and not have to eat any breakfast. I hate food so much. I have a slow metabolism, so in order to be thin, I have to skip meals. It's not like I'm starving myself. I'm just eating less often. That's not bad at all. 

I head in through the gates. Ashley and Frank are hanging out by the wall, talking and laughing. I walk up to them. 

"Hey" Ashley says, tossing his hair back. "What do you think of the new Green Day album?"

"It's amazing" I reply. 

"I know. Green Day is such a great band." Frank says, looking up at me. His hazel eyes glint a little bit. The way he looks at me gives me butterflies.

"Faggots!" some jock yells at us. Ashley glares and sticks his middle finger up at him, before casually going back to our conversation like nothing happened.

This kind of stuff happens a lot. For some reason, the jocks hate us to bits. It's not like I care anyways. Well, I do care, but Frank and Ashley just seem to make me feel less bad about being hated by a lot of people. 

I start thinking how I had met Frank. It was my first day of being a freshman, and I was freaking out on the inside, though I was trying to act calm. I was sitting alone at these seats in the second period, when Frank just came and sat next to me. 

"Wow, your eyeshadow is amazing. It's so perfect" he smiled a small, sexy smile. I was literally screaming inside. I had just gotten a random compliment from someone I didn't even know. 

"Umm, thanks" I choked out. I used to be super awkward. Well, I still am awkward and always will be.

He started talking to me like we've known each other for years. I ended up finding out that we have a ton in common, so we just became friends. 

As for Ashley, well that was kind of a different story. It was my fourth day at this school, and I was in art class. Frank didn't have art the same time as me. I was casually painting a copy of some meadow the teacher had put up, and Ashley suddenly burst in through the door, 15 minutes late. He was breathing heavily and had a huge black smudge down his cheek.

"Ashley Purdy, why are you late to class?" the art teacher said sternly, shaking his head.  "You have a ten-minute detention after school"

He rolled his eyes and sat next to me, trying to rub off the smudge with the back of his hand. 

"Hi. Can you please tell me what we were supposed to be doing?" he asked me, getting out his stuff. 

"We have to copy this meadow," I told him ".What happened to you? Want to use the paint?"

"How many questions are you going to ask? " he smirked. "And no, but thanks" He pulled out his pencils from his bag. He began talking to me, continuously making me laugh. 

I seriously wish I can approach people like they can and just make them like me. 

 Suddenly, someone threw a scrunched up paper at me, hitting me on the head. Someone was laughing in the back of the room.  unscrunched the paper, reading the scribbly handwriting.


Ashley grabbed the paper out of my hands and wrote something on it. 

Stop it right now or your face is going to be so fucked up no one will ever want to look at you again

He scrunched it up again and threw it back at that guy, hitting him directly in the face. And we just ended up being friends after that. 

We walk into the building, just hanging out by Frank's locker. Its probably going to be super boring today, but hey. Why complain when I have them? 

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