This will be the Day that we have been waiting for Chapter 7

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Jaune's team has the toughest challenge of all. They must get Raven to the vault and back to safety quickly. Although she is strong enough to make the trip, she isn't up to the challenge of a fight against any attackers that might stand in their way. Jaune and Yang make their way to the vault first, then Jaune messages Taiyang when the time is right. Raven uses her semblance to create a portal directly to the vault. Taiyang helps Raven through the portal but stays behind so that Raven can quickly return to him. Jaune and Yang are waiting to help Raven as soon as she arrives. She quickly gets the relic and creates a portal back to Taiyang. Raven and the relic are safely away but, Jaune and Yang are left to deal with a massive army of grimm as Raven slips away.

Oscar/Ozpin, Blake, Sun, Ilia, the entire bandit tribe, the army of faunus, and the Atlas military are all prepared to defend the relics. They are on high alert when each team simultaneously obtains their relic. The teams then must all meet at the designated location. Ozpin knows that he will be able to lure Salem to their meeting spot.

In Vacuo, Ruby and her team were surrounded by grimm. They all fought hard to kill them. Paige tried hard not to activate her maiden powers as they fought off all of the grimm. When they had killed them all, they quickly made their way to the airship waiting for them.

Ruby: Everyone hurry before the next wave hits us.

Emerald used her semblance to keep the team and the relic off the radar until they could escape.

Finally, abroad the airship, they wasted no time in taking off.

Nora: We did it! Now what?

Ruby: We go to the meeting place and wait for everyone to arrive.

Jaune and Yang fought hard to defeat the grimm but they were greatly outnumbered until they ran into some friends. Team CFVY joined them and soon all of the grimm had been defeated.

Yang hugs Coco and Velvet: I am so glad to see you! We are so lucky that you happened along.

Coco: Thanks but it wasn't luck; Ironwood told us to expect you and that you would need some help.

Jaune: Thank you General Ironwood and Thank you guys! We couldn't have done it without you. Hate to rush, but we have to go.

Velvet: We'll join you. Ironwood filled us in.

With that Jaune, Yang and team CFVY were on their way to meet the others.

Glynda, Qrow, and Winter were surrounded by seer grimm. Salem's voice continued to taunt them. Somehow, it didn't sound to any of them like Salem even believed her own threats. Could it be that even Salem knew that her reign would soon come to an end? Filled with hope, they quickly defeated the grimm and made their way to the location Ozpin had given them.

Salem wasn't feeling herself. Her strength had faded and she feared the next encounter with the ever growing army coming against her.

Hazel: I have news. You must see this. Hazel handed Salem a report on his scroll.

Watts: I wouldn't advice it just yet....

Salem: We must go! I have to! Do what you have to Watts, but get me there!

Watts: Exactly where is there?

Salem passes the scroll to Watts.

Watts: very ill advised. It's impossible. I ...I wouldn't recommend it..... for at least...

Salem cutting him off: It must happen immediately. Hazel, you know what to do. Gather the troops. Watts, give me all you've got and make this happen. We will leave at once! Our best chance is to catch them, unexpectedly, before they all meet.

This Will be the Day (that we have been waiting for)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora