I cried while writing this so lets cry togther

Start from the beginning

The mask figure ran his fingers down Harleys cheek, but as soon as they got close to his mouth Harley snapped at them. The figure pulled his hand away and slapped Harley. Hard. I wince as I saw it happen.

"So," the man continues, "here's the deal. You give me the list, or I kill him. Your choice,"

"F.R.I.D.A.Y trace the call," Mr. Stark called out.

"I'm sorry boss," she replied immediately, "I'm focusing everything in fighting off his malware. I am unable to trace the call at this time,"

"Pete, don't do it-"

Harley was cut off by another slap.

"Hold your tongue before I cut it out, boy," the man hissed.

"Of course we'll do it," Sam said

"Ah, ah, I'm afraid I'll have to get confirmation from Peter first," the man tutted, looking at me expectingly.

"I-I can get you Spider-Man! You can experiment on him as much as you want! Just let him go," I'm practically begging at this point.

The man just laughed.

"Why would I trade one messily spider for over 500 super soldiers. I'm not interested in you," he sneered.

Oh god.



I knew what I had to do. I knew it in my gut since I first entered the room. I want to give him that list, more than anything.... but Harley would never forgive me. If the transfer is genetic then that's at least 500 living people who have it, plus the lives of ever person they kill. The death toll would be in the thousands. Yet non of that would have mattered if Harley didn't give me those eyes. If he didn't look at me like that I would have forwarded him that stupid fucking list with a million dollars attached. But those damn pleading eyes, begging me to do what he knew the right thing was.

Which wasn't saving himself.

"Peter what are you waiting for! Go get the list!" Steve said, but I ignored him.

"Harley Keener," I stared at the screen, taking a step closer to the TV, "you are definitely a bastard. When we met two summers ago, you swept me off my feet. I was hoping those feeling would change but..

I feel tears starting to roll down my cheeks,

"They never did. In fact, they just grew stronger. Like the time we keyed F-Flashes car, o-or the time we p-pranked Clint. Remember w-with the skittles,"

Tears are streaming down my face at this point even as I wipe them away furiously.

"Peter what are you doing?"

It was Steve again, but I ignored him and continued.

"I want to save you. So much it fucking hurt Harley. So much, but you would never forgive me,"

I'm shaking at this point, my voice is shaking my knees, fucking everything, and I try and fail to keep it together.

"I love you. So. Fucking. Much. And I'm sorry it had to come out like this. I w-was hop-ing that maybe I c-ould work up the nerve to tell y-ou. I love you Harley Keener, and nothing will ever change that,"

Harley smiled and me and mouthed something that I couldn't quite make out

"So, you've come to a decision," the masked man asked, smiling. 

Oh that smile wasn't going to last long.

I nod and swallow, feeling my dry throat in contrast to my tear soaked cheeks.

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