"Don't remind me." Our dad was leaning against the door frame, a cup of coffee in his hand while the other ran down his face. Stiles and I's eyes met for a moment before we both began laughing hysterically. The nightmare was forgotten, and for one blissful moment, the supernatural world was the least of our worries.

After my shower, I'd decided to dress in leggings, a black tank top, and a grey sweater that semi-hid my belly. Since I'm now eighteen weeks, hiding my stomach is a challenge, but I'm doing all I can to keep up my under the radar school life. The sweater, thankfully, hid the majority of my belly and you could only tell if you were staring at my stomach while I was facing away from you.

I paired my outfit with my cream flats and my usual jewelry: my locket and charm bracelet. My hair was curled in ringlets that fell slightly farther than my shoulders. I put on some perfume after brushing my teeth and putting on light makeup.

A knock sounded at my open door and I turned to find Stiles standing there. I sent him a smile. "You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded before grabbing my bag and phone, "yeah, did dad leave?"

"Yeah, he was going through a bunch of old cases..." He explained and I frowned at that. Our dad was facing an impeachment investigation, and he has been going through all of the unsolved case files to try and find some answers now that he has more information.

I hope it all works out for him.

Stiles and I walked into school, finding Scott running down the stairs with a worried look on his face. Stiles frowned before stopping Scott in his tracks. "Hey! Hey, you alright?" Scott nodded, looking back at his shadow for a moment before turning to me and giving a small smile.

I rose a brow. "You don't look okay, Scott. What's wrong?" I asked and I could tell Stiles was just as skeptical as myself. Scott nodded. "I-I'm okay." I bit my lip while turning to Stiles, both of us thinking the same thing.

"No, you're not. It's happening to you too-- you're seeing things, aren't you?" Scott looked taken aback by that as his eyes widened and he frowned. "How did you know?" I let out a sigh before explaining for Stiles, knowing he didn't like talking about the nightmares.

Before I could get a sentence out, Lydia and Allison approached up. "It's happening to all three of you." My eyes widened slightly at that while looking over to Allison in slight worry, I mean, sure I don't really like her, but I know what my nightmares and visions are like, and if theirs is anything like mine... I feel sorry for all of them.

The five of us walked into the school, Lydia and I standing slightly in front of the three. "Well, well, well..." Lydia sighed, looking to me and then back at the three others. "Looks like Tori and I are no longer the crazy ones."

I couldn't help but let out a slight laugh at that, it was true. I turned my gaze back to my brother and boyfriend, a small smile was on my lips but, I couldn't stop the worry that was itching at the back of my mind.

"We're not crazy." Allison defended almost immediately, the slight raised volume in her voice caused all of us to stop walking. Lydia and I turned toward her, me with slight concern for the mental state of my... Scott and my brother. 

Lydia pulled a face, "hallucinating? Sleep paralysis?" She offered while crossing her arms. "Yeah, you guys seem fine." I sighed while looking at the three, "she's right, I mean, you did die and come back from... death." 

Scott nodded, his thumbs hooking onto his back pack straps. "Tori's got a point, that's gotta have some side effects, right?" He looked to Stiles for confirmation. "We keep an eye out on each other, alright? And Lydia? Stop enjoying this so much." 

"What?" She sighed before walking away with Allison in tow, Stiles left to his locker immediately as well. Leaving Scott and I in the hallway, alone. My eyes found his and I forced a small smile, the awkward tension built up between us like a dam. 

I took a deep breath before speaking, "how's your mom taking... everything?" I asked with a slight frown at my poor wording. Scott frowned before furrowing his brows and shaking his head. "She's disappointed in me, but other than that, she's fine. Good." 

"That's good..." I trailed off slightly, my eyes falling to the ground and then looking over the lockers. Anywhere but his hazelnut eyes. God, hazelnut sounds really good right now... like nutella. The bell sounded around us, echoing in the silence between us. "We should get to class." 

I went to turn away but, was stopped by Scott grabbing my arm, a frown on his features. I met my eyes with his, and I swear the whole world faded away, and not like a vision, no it was different. "Victoria, can we talk?" 

A small, sad smile found its way to my face, "sure. What's up?" Scott's eyes left mine, instead he watched as he moved his hand from my bicep to my hand, linking out fingers together tightly. "Are we okay? I don't want to push you to forgive me... I know I messed up, but I want to be with you." 

My lip rolled into my mouth and I bit down tightly before letting it go and sighing. "I need... time, Scott." I whispered carefully, my eyes not leaving his. Hurt flashed in his eyes, before quickly being overshadowed by understanding and sadness. He went to pull away and step back, "okay." 

I smiled, pulling him back to me while also stepping closer to him. "I need time to forgive you, Scott. But, that doesn't mean we can't be together." I turned away from him before he could respond, my hand in his while pulling him off toward our class. "Now, come on, we have history." 

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